
School LGBT problems?

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okay I am 14 and bi.

and my town has their own website with a forum and people post stuff about things going on in the town and what not.

and well their are kids picking on me at my school for being bi. so I want to bring that to the adults atention on their forum. but I want to pretend im a parent of a kid in the school so they will be more understanding.

is that againist the law for me to do?

this issue rele needs to be addressed and I figured what better way to do it then post it on the forum that almost everyone in town reads.

I just figured if more people new about kids picking on kids about their sexuality that maybe they could put a stop to it.




  1. I think you defo need to talk to the adults about this, but don't pretend to be one. they'll only find out that you lied in the end and whatever your intentions, they won't take kindly to it.

    Address the adults with your problem in a post - be clear and mature - keep at it but do not badger too much. Also talking directly to people will probably help more: discuss with your parents, teachers, a confidential councillor: anyone who you feel comfortable with. I hope a solution can be found - best of luck to you.

  2. Sounds like a good idea. Just be prepared, because you may just get more abuse.
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