
School Lab question??

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ok so me and my friend gennifer r doin a lab experiment for science and we need help fast!! this is what it looks like:

Question: Which snack food gives off the most fat? Potato chips, cookies, or pretzels?

Hypothesis: I think cookies will give off the most fat because when you make cookies, you use a lot of butter, which gives off a lot of fat.


Lays potato chips

Rold gold pretzels

Chips Ahoy cookies



1. take three paper towels (or napkins) and set then on a table SEPERATELY!!

2. Put the snacks on each paper towel.

3. Time the amount of fat that comes out out of each snack for 5 mins.

4. Record data in data table

so my question is how do you make a data table of this??

(and im not askin for you guys to do my homework i just need some hhelp. thanx)




  1. This not a good experiment

  2. Put items in table (top to bottom)

    Opposite each item record the amount of fat on the napkin

    How much of each item are you using?

    How do you determine the amount of fat?

    Does the amount of fat relate to the total fat in the item (or just on the surface)?

    What would the results be if you finely crushed each item and then placed a fixed weight of each item on separate napkins?
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