
School Massacres, do we care anymore or everyday occurrence?

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School Massacres, do we care anymore or everyday occurrence?




  1. America is pretty screwed up....

  2. We care, and I keep asking how does this continue to happen.

  3. its still awful and sad, but its not so suprising anymore....

  4. What conscience has the gun lobby when they insist upon an American's right to bear arms?

  5. Unfortunately, it's becoming so "usual" to hear of American school massacres that i'm becoming slightly numb to them. That is scary.

  6. We care, its just becoming more common.  Amazing how no one had a clue these people were mentally ill before they commit such horrific acts.  Although most are described with some sort of mental illness after the fact.

  7. You Americans are sooooooo ******...its so ridiculus how many shootings you have and the way you people think...your the phyco kid of the world who no one wants anything to do with.

  8. Not really. I know I'm no longer surprised when I hear about that stuff on the news. You see a scrawny white kid in a trench coat and you automatically assume he is disturbed and packing heat.

  9. Well some kid had a gun in his car at my school...oh and I live like 50 miles from NIU so yeah 2 in my state over the past month

  10. everyday occurence

    i swear one was about to happen at our school before christmas break.. but police came and arrested dude

  11. Of course I care and no, it is not an every day occurrence. In many cases, I think it should be taken as a reminder to our society that how we treat others can have consequences. I don't want to minimize the crimes these shooters commit, but one of the common links is kids who have been outcasts and/or subject to bullying.

  12. unfortunately it's not as shocking anymore. although i still am interested in it when it's on the news and motives behind it. seems like it's mostly kids that just needed some help.

  13. they probably asked for it anyway ! pistol power , bring it on !

  14. I believe we still care, but it's beyond our control what decisions and actions people make.

  15. A kid brought a gun to my school like a week ago and nobody even told us about it until after it was all lockdown....nothing.....=/

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