
School Nurse or Cruise Nurse?

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Ive been offered two jobs! They are both brilliant but i dont know which one to take!

The School nurse means a promotion in pay scale, a way out of the NHS and long shifts nil nights and weekends and more money and 13 weeks a year annual leave!!!!

However the cruise job means i get to travel but the money probably wouldnt improve greatly!!!!

But i am 24 years old with no dependants, young free and single and travelling has always been something ive wanted to do whilst i am young!!

Please advice me which you think is the best option! Im scared of doing one and hating it and wishing i had said yes to the other!!!

Would apreciate your thoughts!




  1. Cruise Nurse. But you still have to look at the pros and cons on each side. FOr instance, on most ships employess get extremely small rooms and you could be on call whenever they needed help. If you went with the school nurse job you would get summer off and only work during school hours. However, since you want to trave I would go with cruise nurse

  2. The only choice here is Cruise Nurse.  While you are young free and single take the opportunity to travel and you will love it, see the world and meet new people.  When you get a bit older you can settle down and become a school nurse if you still want to as that would fit in well with children and marriage (if that is what you want).   Money isn't everything.  Think of the wonderful things you will see.   Go for it!   Good luck.  You're only young once so make the most of it.

  3. I think you should go with the cruise nursing job. It would give you the opportunity to travel and experience something new. Besides its hard to get a nurse position on a cruise while school nurse positions are almost always available.

  4. CRUISE NURSE. need i say more?

  5. I would go on the cruise.

  6. no comparrison,get on a cruise and see the world.enjoy youreself while you can.

  7. Contrary to some answers, cruise nurses do sometimes have to work long hours - if sickness breaks out aboard or a passenger is seriously ill. At other times, you may be expected to help out in entertainment or as a tour escort. That said, at your age I think you should still pick the cruise job - you can get a shore job later; it may not so easy the other way round.

  8. I have been on a bunch of cruises and have rarely seen the nurses on ship.  And people rarely get sick and if they do the nurse just gives the medicine that the Dr prescribes, fills out some paperwork and goes back to her book.

    The pay may not be as good but there is like very little work on ship, unless they have you doing a second job too.  But I would do the cruise ship for at least a few years, especially if the job/ship does Europe and the Mediterranean.

  9. Defentily i cruise youd have to be an idiot to not take that job u can go to really cool places but one thing thats not so great u couldnt see your family!

  10. Hi firstly which cruse line are offering you the job if it is one that isn't registered in the UK you wont have to pay tax as long as you set up a off shore bank account and get you wages paid in to there and only spend at most 89 days in the UK so as long as it isn't a UK registered company i think you will find that you could be earning more doing this than  working in a school as you wont have to pay for accommodation your spending will be very low and no tax also you say you want to travel so i would say go for the cruse job as you can have the best of both worlds good money and do something you have always wanted to do

  11. Hi

    I have worked at sea in various positions in the hotel department. Can you mention the cruise company? It is hard work and depending on the size of the ship and amount of nursing staff you may have to stay onboard more often than you would like. They have to have cover all the time, someone has got to be onboard.

    It will be an adventure for you, but can be unsettling.You will probably have officer status and be able to enjoy passenger facilities.

    This is the kind of job that is best to do whilst still young, you can always be a school nurse when you are older and wanting to settle. It is good for saving money and great to meet people from all over the world and all walks of life.

    If you do take the ship job, it will be very stressful for the first few weeks as there will be a lot of training. Just make sure you rest when you can to avoid burn out.

    All the best in whatever you choose!

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