
School Sports Locker Rooms

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I've never done sports in a school environment and have some questions:

1. Were the showers communal or curtained?

2. Does the teacher/coach shower in the locker room too?

3. Do you feel embarrassed being nude in front of the teacher/coach?

4. Any problems such as being teased (underwear, p***s size, erections)

5. Anything else about the situation you can tell I can be prepared for the locker room?




  1. communal



    yeah some bully do that

  2. at my school there is 1 community shower, 1 curtained, and 1 with out a curtin (but you had to go around a wall to get in.  and it is against the law for a teacher/coach to shower with u. and yea it's natural to be embarrassed about being naked in front of other guys (so just don't look at them and if they do tease u just shrugs it off b/c when people make fun of  others it's usually because they are jealous)

  3. 1.the showers were communal but we didn't shower in Gymn class that is not even legal with students present and it is against school rules to begin with they have staff showers

    3. Well i was never rude in front of either one

    4. Some about how gross it was to change in front of another guy .. but he had more of a problem than i did with it .

    5.go in do what you have to do ignore everyone and get on with it ..

  4. 1) My school has communal, but most other schools I visited during road games had curtained showers.

    2) No.  I know that several of the coaches use the same showers, but never as the same time as the students.

    3) I never have been in that situation, but I would imagine it would have been awkward.

    4) It was never really mentioned, and not many of the guys showered at the same time.  At least none I was aware of.

    5) Just be confident, and try not to pop one

  5. 1) communal so be proud of what you have.

    2) no they have a private shower in their office.

    3) Im never embarrassed to be nude in front of anyone . Nudity is total natural and society has made it a thing to be ashamed of.

    4)wear boxer shorts, everyone has different p***s sizes so be proud of your wether big or small. Alot of guys get erections when they are nude in a communal shower because nudity in public has never been experienced and when you start experiencing it you find its very liberating and enjoyable and anything at all thats enjoyable to teenage boys can cause an erection.

    5)If you act uncomfortable in the locker room everyone will sense it and know you are uncomfortable and then you will get teased.

  6. no




  7. 1.) communal

    2.) no

    3.) no

    4.) no

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