
School Starts Tomorrow!!!!?

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So school starts tomorrow for me, and i was was wondering some of youre tips to make the day go smoother, some tips for middle school, and tips to help be more organized. I need tips to for middle school life! thanx ;)




  1. School starts the day after tomorrow for me!

  2. just act normal and follow what the teacher says and if you act normal you will attract friends

  3. Be nice to EVERYONE. Don't be mean to the "losers" or the "outcasts" just because everyone else is mean to them. You should try to be liked by as many people as possible, even if those people aren't "your type" or "your style"

    -Don't seek revenge on "rival cliques" who are b*itchy or bully you. Otherwise, you'll create a back-and-forth war with them and it will make the school year miserable. (I learned this the hard way)

    -Don't give into peer pressure like having s*x or smoking pot just because it seems like everyone around you is. I went through highschool and never had any interest in smoking pot although all my friends did, and thank god I didn't because when you get a job as an adult (I'm in college now) they usually drug-test you and you get denied if you don't pass. I also didn't lose my virginity until senior year with a guy who I dated for over a year, and I'm glad I never slept around with anyone else because the girls who did were ridiculed and called "whores."

    -Join as many extra-cirriculars as possible, in order to make as many friends and be involved. You will be happy you did because by senior year when you apply for colleges you will be able to have lots of good stuff on your transcript.

    -Try to keep your best friends close. You never know when you'll need them. Don't be so quick to drop people in your life because you will find yourself trying to find new friends every year and by senior year you won't even know who your best friends are anymore.

    -Don't get too caught up in your image because that sh*t will consume you. You will become a shopaholic (MTV just had a show on this last night, called "True Life: I'm a Compulsive Shopper") And I used to be just as materialistic as those girls they showed. I grew out of that because I'm in college now and I've matured since then. Guys really don't care if you wear designer clothes because they're guys for god sake.....they can't tell the difference! Only a g*y guy can distinguish designers (and I'm sure you're not looking to impress g*y guys.)

    -Remember that girls who are bitchy and mean are only doing you a favor by doing so-- because the meaner they are, the nicer and sweeter YOU look!!! Therefore, if you seem friendlier, you're more likely to be approached by new friends, boys, teachers, etc. Bitchy plastic girls do nothing but try to intimidate others be acting snotty and dressy trendy but in real life nobody really cares about them.

    A good rule of thumb: the more "artificial" a girl looks (heavy make up, jewelry, clothings, hardcore tanning, nails, fancy handbags, etc.) the more she is trying to convince people she's something she's not. Therefore, the MORE she's trying to hide about her true identity.

    A true beauty doesn't need all that "excess" junk.


  4. school starts for me on September 3rd. But for some advice, just play it smooth, just follow what the teacher says and make friends with them.  

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