
School Supplies Help ?!

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I'm going into grade nine, first year of highschool.

What will I need ?

Big binder small binder ? 1 , 2 binders ?!?!

They didn't give us a list of what we'll need so could you help me out a bit ?! thanks :)

oh and what kind of backpack should I get ?

Like a tote purse - everyone was using those as book bags last year.

Whats everyone using this year ?

best answer = 10 points.

thanks a bunch !




  1. Well you should have a notebook or some kind of paper for each could get a big binder and put all your paper in there or you could get a little binder for every class...if you decide that you want a little binder and notebook you could color code them to make it easier to find...and make sure you have plenty of pencils...and for backpacks some girls at my school still use the tote purse but others use zip binders or just plain's really up to you

    I Hope this answers your questions!

  2. I really don't know im only in the sixth grade so im sorry!

  3. i have like a folder for every class, but if you have a lot of stuff for a class then i would get a binder! on the first day of school the teachers will tell you what you will need!

  4. The first day take the basics. Teacher will have specifics for their class ( like what size ) If they don't buy what is

    best for you in terms of organization and space.

    Totes are still good if you are not carrying a lot of weight at one time otherwise it will break- Get one that will hold what you need it to and fits your style.

  5. alright, well when you get into school, each teacher will give you a syllabus, and it will say what they expect you to get for his or her class. I would say though, to get plenty of

    - pens (black or blue ink) and pencils

    - notebooks, i would say get at least 6 notebooks (3 subject notebook for each course).

    - 2 binders: get the 3 ringed binders

    - notecards (if that's what helps you to study terms)

    - you might want to get yourself a planner, to jot down anything like, what's for hw, to other stuff, like birthdays or something. your school might sell planners to...

    - backpacks- get one that stores a lot of stuff. you could use a tote bag, but i don't think a lot of stuff can be stored in there at the end of the day... and when you have to go on the bus. and please, don't get the backpack with wheels on them...

    - get stuff to decorate your locker with photos and stickers, locker mirror

    - make sure you get locker shelves (they are a BIG help)

    that's just the basics.. but like i said, when you get into your first days of classes, the teachers will give you a syllabus and let you know what they want you to get...

    Best of Luck!


  6. mecanical pencils, notebooks, tote bag, pens, binder, eraser, lunch, theme paper, protractor, book sock, ruler,  

  7. hey i'm going to be a ninth grader, my first year of high school also. they didn't give us a list either they just tell us what we need on the first day or orientation because i think it's different for each teacher. just a few days ago i bought a few totes, not the girly kind they're more earthy and stuff, but whatever you want backpack or tote! i've heard that it's about half and half people just use a backpack or a tote! good luck!

  8. Hi, I am going to ninth grade too! :) should bring whatever you want. I advise getting binders for each class, with dividers inside. Get the usual pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers, spirals, paper, you know...the usual. Stock up on index cards and post its cause those are quite helpful :D Oh yes, and most important...a planner.  

  9. 1 inch binder is good enough

    tote bags are good enough thats only if u dont mind carrying ur textbooks with ur hand.  for now just get little school supplies and wait till the first day of school when teachers tell u want to buy.  

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