
School and my last name doesn't mix?

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I'm starting high school soon and the older teachers there know my dad and my uncles and lets just say they were not the best kids in school. They don't like my brother and I don't want to go there with a bunch of teachers hating me because of my last name. King doesn't like my brother because of my uncle. So he takes it out on him. He does nothing wrong and he gets blamed right of the bat. I don't want that to happen to me so what do I do? Help Please!




  1. I would just tell him to his face to Backoff. It isnt your fault him and your uncle didnt get along. And if he does blame you tell the princible but have proof like video tape it (if you could) or just simply annoy him and itll stop. BUT DONT ACT LIKE IT BOTHERS U

  2. stand up for your rights because violence against woman Australia says no

  3. if i were you i would tell off the teacher, but not in a way to get in trouble. just tell them your not your family and for them to back off! but if you are going to do that, you really have to behave to prove them wrong, cuz all they will be thinking is 'ya they say that for today'.  

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