
School and social life problem?

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I go to school. I don't have any friends that I hang with on weekends. I started at a new school at the beginning of this year. i have a few friends at school but none that I hang with on the weekends. I am a bit of a nerd and am a bit depressed about the friend thing. Can anyone help me please.




  1. Don't be depressed.  Why dont you ask your few friends to hang out on the weekends.  You just started a new school, it takes time for you to find friends.  Try being more social in school. Don't be shy and DONT be a target either.  Show that you have confidence.  If people see that you are people person and fun to talk to, they will befreind you.  But if you show that you are depressed and unhappy, people dont want to be a part of it.

    You can also join a club in school, you can definitely make friends there.  Show confidence and DONT show weakness.. God luck FRIEND

  2. Hi Robert,

    You say you have friends in school, some, right?

    So why not make some plans for the weekend with you?

    That's a nice way to start, isn't it?

  3. yeah im in your NOW!.yeah all my friends moved away so im suually chillin by myself or skatebording with the few friends i have left.god knows i been through h**l for a young age but regardless it only made me stronger and a better person.and i decided that im not being trapped in some d**n confidence problems more living lies and acting like something im not.your life is in your hands and life can be good if you let it and enjoy yourself.we are all beutiful people including yourself so just be relaxed and in peace with who you not going to be easy but you KEEP ON FIGHTING.

    and if you have any questions e-mail me ok

  4. Come on dude!

    1st: Try being funny and pleasant to others.

    2nd: Dont pretend being someone else. Be yourself.

    3rd: Hang out with your new friends, and DONT fall in love with their sisters**.

    **Something personal, never mind.

  5. Be outgoing and try not to worry about what others may think of you.

    Maybe your new friends are waiting for you to go towards them ... why don't YOU organize a weekend activity. Maybe they are not daring enough.

    If you don't try, your never going to get anywhere. Good luck!

  6. learn to socialize... mingle with your classmates... converse with them. don't outcast your self and don't just stay on the corner waiting for them to talk with you. have the confidence and initiative to approach them because they may be just waiting for you to offer your friendship... and if you're already acquainted with them, ask them if you can hang out with them during weekends... bit nerd?... hmmmm... are you willing for a little self transformation?... pls. don't get me wrong... but if you wanna stick to what you are, well, it's up to you, besides, true freinds will accept you for who you are...

    :) goodluck!

  7. Since your school term will start soon, you have old and new schoolmates coming for you to know. You are going to begin a new life ...

    1. you can date a new friend out every weekend

    2. at the same time you can date an old friend as well

    3. chat with them often about the school, movies, girls, tv programs etc

    4. ask your friends their cellphone number and call them sometimes

    5. borrow books (not money) and return them in time

    6. friendly to everyone ...

    7. try to help your friends whenever possible

    8. kind to everyone

    9. active and play some sports e.g. basketball ... table tennis ...

    You are good to your friends and they will good to you ...

    Just try ...  

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