
School approved pot?

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What are our schools coming to now that we will have pot in schools thanks to the wacky medical pot crowd? if a doctor proscribes it the kid will be allowed to take it in school and the school will be sued if htey deny the medicine. what an amazing country. am i wrong?

3 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.

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3 hours ago

it will happen very soon. schools cant deny kids medicine and pot is medicine i know teaching doesnt take many brain cells but u should be able to put one and 2 together. i mean i know u have been given the prison mentality working in a school b ut u need to learn to think.




  1. Honestly, if someone is allowed medicinal marijuana, it usually means that they have a terminal disease.  It is generally allowed as a pain killer for someone that isn't going to get any better.  (i.e., because they have a degenerative disease that will likely kill them before the pot has too much of an effect, it's not going to harm them any more than anyone else.)

    A student that would be prescribed pot (unlikely to happen) would have a disease that would prevent them from attending school in the first place, so it really wouldn't be an issue.  (Kids with diseases like these would either be homeschooled or be on Home Bound education.)

  2. To the above.. It's not just for elderly people but its usually used to treat things like severe arthritis and other pain-causing things, which more commonly affect older people. There are several people i know of in their late teens or early 20s that have been prescribed it for pain.

    As far as having it in a school, thats tricky, and for the rare occurrances, I think some special steps will be taken. It IS a drug, but it is also not contained, as in it can effect others through second hand smoke, and it is illegal to others.

    So what may happen is:

    -They will have to do it outside

    -They will be escorted off the property to do it

    -They will have to do it in a contained and sealed, specially designed room

    -They will have to take it in pill or baked-good form. Dispenseries actually sell it in pre-made cookie format!

    But I think for the few cases of this they will either ask they use it before and after school or take special steps like off property or outside, so it doesn't drift in and start being inhaled by other kids which is illegal, or most likely they will just be prescribed THC pills.  

  3. Isn't medicinal marijuana for older people, like the elderly? I can't imagine letting school age children take medicinal marijuana.
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