
School at home better or worse?

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  1. Worse-no social life

  2. It depends on what you like. I personally prefer going to a school because it gives me a chance to see other opinions and meet new friends. I enjoy being social and I think without school I would have only one friend---my neighbor. Yet with school at home, it may be easier to learn for the main focus is on you and you can travel at your own learning pace. So to wrap it up, I prefer going to school but home schooling isn't that bad.

  3. I've been homeschooled pretty much my whole life, and I have friends who are too, and also some who aren't.

    One of the upsides of being homeschooled is you finish schoolwork fairly early. I usually finish in two hours. After you finish, you're free to do whatever you want for the remaining four (or less or more) hours (that is, if your friends are in school). Other upsides are you get to stay up late at night and sleep in the next morning (unless your parents say otherwise), you can "go to school" in your pjs, and there's no real homework.

    The downside of being homeschooled is definitely not being able to socialize as much as you do when you do go to school. You don't see your friends every day, and for some people, without school it's hard to make friends.

    If someone does plan to do homeschool, they should definitely factor in some type of class or group to make friends, such as getting a job or going to a youth group.

  4. Neither - just different. It works for those who embrace it, and it doesn't for those who prefer sending kids to school. It's what you make of it.

  5. My personal opinion....I dont think is GOOD for the sake of the kids, because in order for them to grow and relate to others and make desicions, they need to interact with others and make theyre own decisions..... we live in the world and we have to learn how to handle it....just teach them right, give htem values, morals, integrity and WATCH them at all the times.... trust them but watch them....since they are kids still, and dont have is GIVE & take....and teach them right and always shown them how to look the possitive side of everything......relationships is important to survive in this era...GOD BLESS!!!

  6. It depends on whose doing it and the individual situation. I think it would be a horrible mistake to force everyone to homeschool; I also think it'd be a mistake to force everyone to go to school.

  7. Better, unless the parents and home environment are pretty dreadful.

  8. Home school is the best! Of course that's my opinion, I guess you would have to try it and see what you like best.

  9. Definitely better.  For whom, you may ask, the student or the teacher/parent.  Both.  I feel  that I have a great relationship with my three sons, who are 14, 12 and 6 and have always been educated at home.  Each day can be an adventure, though we have our bad days like anyone.  Hey, we are living in the real world.  We are not age segregated.  We get to go to the nursing home and see relatives/friends.  We get to visit relatives/friends through the week, not only weekends.  We are not monopolized by time.  Time is our own to use wisely.  Each of my boys can study their own interests and go with it.  They aren't sleep deprived.  They get plenty of exercise.  We get to talk, and in their eyes, it is never enough.  Their dad can take them hunting, not around anyone else's schedule (the public school).  They can work ahead on their lessons or they can be lazy one day.  There is no question about it.

  10. It really depends on the individual and the family environment.

    Here's a comparison chart of public school vs. homeschooling:

    Here's a look at the pros and cons of homeschooling:

    I think school at home provides more freedom and flexibility and less hassle.  You have more free time and also more control over your social life.

    Good luck making a decision!

  11. Better. You learn at your own pace and actully have better grades. =)

    BTW "Blessed from above" if you think kids need to interact with other kids in this world so they can handle the world when they grow up, (no offense) but think about this: most kids that get picked on when they are in school turn out to be serial killers (ok maybe not that etreme BUT 69% of them do break the law then kids who never got picked on or never went to a real school. just a fact from a research report i did. Seriously no offense to anyone!

  12. elementary/middle it is ok to stay at home but i think the high school experience is valuable to have

  13. Better or worse than what?!?

    Personally, I'd go 'neither'.

    'School', wherever it takes place, is a sure-fire recipe for lifelong learning disaster, IMO.

    Any authentic learning, no matter where it occurs, is infinitely better than *any* form of schooling.

    As far as I go, there is (by the very nature of the beast) *no* benign form of schooling, whether it be at public school, private school, home or on the dark side of the moon.

    'Blessed from above': reading your opinions reminds me of something Azazoth originally posted: Not even the most involved, watchful & attentive parent can counteract the effects of something Bismark wholeheartedly approved of!

  14. Better because you can work around your own time and get your work done faser then people that are in school im home schooled

  15. It all depends on your personality. It also depends on what curriculum your using, how much time the person helping you has.

    If you like going at your own pace. If you've got a good curriculum, if your home teacher has time, it's probably better.

    Or your home teacher doesn't have time, but you are really good at getting your work done by yourself, that works too.

    As I said, it all depends on your environment.

  16. I think it entirely depends on the child. Some children really do well in a structured school environment others don't. Also it depends on the parents, I love to be with my children, I love to teach them things, so for us I feel it may be better.

    My son is at school at the moment but I don't feel he is suited to it so I am looking into taking him out and teaching him at home.


    Firebird  - if you read this, would you please email me? I've read several of your answers on the subject and you seem like a great person to ask advice from on, if you don't mind?!

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