
School debate-Children under 12 shouldn't be allowed to use the internet without adult supervision? (Against)?

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Any ideas on how to go against this statement in a debate?

Any input is greatly appreciated.




  1. pshhhhh.... im 12 and i hav a laptop in my room and i hav a phone that goes online and so does my ipod!

  2. I think unless kids have home work that MUST be typed, or a research project to do they should not be allowed any where near the computer..

    But thats not the project. So you can say that with the advancement in the internet, so the advancement in site blocking. Every computer has internet control in which the only the parent with a pass word can control. (the other team may say the kids will learn the pass word, you can counter "not if the parents put the controls on while the kids are at school. The kids only learn it if it's typed in front of them") With the correct amount of control the kids can still safely surf the web, and learn tons of things. The internet is very educational. You can learn anything and everything on line, this is the age that kids start to wonder about nature, other countries, current events, etc. Rather then the kid ask an adult a million questions all they do is go on line and look it up. Everything they ever wanted to know is right there and if they forget, or have additional questions all they have to do is refer back to the sight. (they can say that a book is good for that, you can counter with "parents don't have the money to buy every book that the kid MIGHT be interested in, plus what about the place to put everything") You can also ask the question "would you let a child run around in a library?" There are just as many things in a library that a child shouldn't see as there are on the internet. (I once found, in the children's section, a Dr. Seuss book that had pictures of naked people running around in a small town, I can't remember the name.) Also, if the other side mentions violence for any reason just remind them every Disney/Pixar movie has death/violence in it (toy story had them ripping the dolls apart, Ice age is a movie about the end of the world for them,Cinderella was forced to live in a seller and was mentally abused every day, Aladdin was always fighting for his life) Unless we keep out kids in the house at all times and never turn on the TV or let them play out side, they will be exposed the things we really wish they weren't. It's parents jobs to make sure they know right from wrong and prey they live to be adults.

  3. Sorry no can do.  I think it is a great idea.  We would not allow a 12 or under youngster to travel the world unaccompanied, well surfing the net is just as dangerous.

  4. Your teacher gave you a tough one.  The Internet is a dangerous area, especially for young ones and there is adult content that is easily accessed not to mention the predators.  Children do not have the same privacy rights as adults, meaning their activities are normally monitored by someone, parent, teacher, sitter and it is actually illegal to leave a young child unattended.  I do not think I can come up with a valid reason for the con of the debate.  I would ask your teacher for suggestions, maybe they had something in mind when they came up with the assignment.

  5. Using the Internet isn`t dangerous for a child who is below 12 years old if he/she has been taught how to handle uncomfortable situations and not to give out personal information such as phone no. addresses etc. and never try to meet anyone they have contact with on the net.

    4000 children are getting killed and another 4000 seriously injured in accidents every year. Children are just taught to be care-full in the traffic, in sports and at home, not prevented to move in the traffic, go to sports etc. Why should they be banned from only the Internet. Everything in life has a risk and the Internet is low down on the list. The dangers for children on the Internet is overrated.

  6. Just explain that jimmy isn't a 11 year old friend who wants to come and see you, he's really a 46 year old IT technician and the child should get the message. Ok.. on a serious note, the internet has many more advantages than disadvantages. Just install a keylogger so you can track what your child is doing online, and net-nanny or a program similar which stops access to unsuitable sites.

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