
School ended today what should i do over the summer?13 year old girl little money?

by Guest65085  |  earlier

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School ended today what should i do over the summer?13 year old girl little money?




  1. Have fun! Go swimming with friends. Ride your bike. Take pop bottles back for some spending money.

    Walk neighbors dogs. Do some volunteer dogwalking at the humane society.

    Help Mom with cooking, laundry,cleaning

    Ask her to teach you how to make a pie

    Bake cookies. Grow a garden.

    Go pick berries.

    Read a good book. Go to the library and check out the books and activities for teens

    Find some friends and make a movie- maybe use someone's camera, or ask Mom to rent one for a day or two?

    Clean our your room and give away stuff and have a garage sale.

  2. you should hangout talk on the phone go swimming there lots of stuff to do and im 13 to i dont finish till 2 more weeks but u should have alot of fun and u could always sneek out


    oh ya the movies are always fun

  3. have fun and get some guys!!!

    ya have fun do whatever you want

  4. Well if you want to make money, you and a group of friends could post ads throughout your hometown about babysitting and/or house cleaning services. Keep your wages at a reasonable price so that you will earn a lot of business. If babysitting/house cleaning services is something that you wouldn't like to do, you can also try washing cars, taking dogs for walks, bake sells (be sure to get a permit), etc. Otherwise, you could just stay at home and get online and watch t.v. but this can get very boring over just a week's time. If all else fails, find a hobby that you're good at, such as drawing, designing, etc, and find something creative to do with your hobby to keep your mind occupied. Good luck with your summer! :D

  5. Sleep in

    Watch tv

    go outside

    go for a bike ride

    go for a walk

    go to the park



    play on the comp

    play video games

    talk on the phone

    take pictures

    ask your parents to take your to the beach


    rent some movies

    hang out with friends

    cook something

    Thats all I got

  6. hang out with friends;



  7. Volunteer at your local animal shelter.

  8. sleepover someones house.

    im 13 too. its kinda boring for me over the summer.

    play on the computer

  9. You are too young to officially earn a decent wage, go had some fun now.

  10. swim

  11. Just hang with friends,watch rv,go to partys,shop...the works... I hope this helped! Have a safe and fun summer!


  12. well durring the day walk too the park,or go for a walk,read a book, walk to a lake, or just sit out side and watch the animals run and fly around.

  13. by your name, it sounds like you're an animal lover.  Ever thought about volunteering at an animal shelter or a rescue facility one or two days a week?  Have some fun on the other days, though!!!

  14. go hang out with your friends.

  15. study for school LOL

    yeah right just go out and with the money u do have buy stuff

    go pics

    play football(if ur into it)

    or just relax in ur house

    hope this helps

  16. Hey same here I'm 13 too and what i do is like extra little chores and babysitting for people who need help!!! For the plans well so far just ask your parents if you guys can go to like Reno or Tahoe (somewhere) Disney Land even for a family vacation!! Don't worry cause sitting around all summer doing nothing is a horrible way to spend our 3 months of vacation!!!!

  17. veg-out for about a week and then hit the good times hard, hang out wit your friends, and be very impulsive about your activities

  18. enjoy it! sleep, and do crafts and catch up on TV. i'd kill for a summer off without having to work.

  19. Start baby-sitting.

  20. parents should have some money.

    go swimming if you know some one with a pool.

    hang out with your friends

    movies/mall stuff like that.

    go to the park.

  21. You should have a ton of sleepovers with your friends

    Thats what i would be doing if i wasn't grounded =[

  22. At your age the only way you can earn money legally is through jobs like babysitting, car-washing, dog walking, yard work etc. If you have any skills like dance or playing a musical instrument offer to teach little kids for a fee. Good luck and say no to drugs.

  23. have fun, be active outside, do some chores around the house for family members for some cash

  24. Read books. Find your friends. Do NOT watch tv. Consider picking up a sport. Athletes are not meat-heads.

    Go to the mall.

    Explore the backyard.

    Practice art.

    Practice music/guitar/drums

    Practice vocabulary

    Review schoolwork

    Clean your house and room

    Spend time with your family

    Make a garden

    Buy a dog/pet

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