
School fight help?

by  |  earlier

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normally when 2 kids go at they they tend to hold each others shirts above the shoulder, but i am way better at figthing when we dont "grapple". whats the best way to get out of that "grapple"




  1. Technically, reaper is correct, but I agree more with the others who say you shouldn't be fighting in the first place

    The fact that you're seeking this information shows you're interested in learning how to handle these situations, which is good; I think your time would be better spend trying to figure out to handle them without fighting

    You never know, you may encounter a situation when fighting isn't an option (eg. you're on probation), and then what are you going to do?

    If you're interested in ways to handle someone grabbing your shirt, without actually getting into a fight, look into Aikido or Judo, but if you want the respect of real martial artists, try to rise above the schoolboy scraps

  2. If the guy grabs the shirt, all they're doing is blocking up their hands. When you get your shirt grabbed, don't panic, and remember that you have more hands to attack with. Elbows, knees, headbutt, etc.

    If the other guy doesn't know how to take control of their opponent by grabbing the shirt like you see in Judo or Jujitsu, or attack from close range like Muay Thai, I think you got advantage. If all the other guy is thinking about is grabbing the shirt first, instead of grabbing back, think only about punching them straight in the face. They move in, all they're thinking about is grabbing the shirt first and nothing else, and then you just walk in straight with a strike.

    If the guy can take control of you in that position, grab them back and maintain your balance, and then just strike once you got the right position and timing.

  3. kick them between the legs, rip off ur shirt & fight like the dickens.

    ps and have some1 record it & put it on youtube lol jk

  4. take off your shirt or dont let the person grab the shirt

  5. Wear a shirt that's tighter-fitting or that rips easily so people can't pull on it as much. Other than that or just hoping the person you're fighting is nice enough to give you a minute to take off your shirt, there's not a lot you can do.

    If someone starts pulling on your shirt, you can also try to lean on them and become "dead weight," or swing your foot behind them and trip them.

    But of course, always try to solve problems with words, and only use fighting as self-defense. Attacking people is retarded.

  6. The other people made good points , especially putting it on youtube haha. But you cant wear a tight shirt everyday, unless you know someone is going to jump you.

    My suggestion is when someone is trying to grapple with you give in to them and get closer at first, and then break away using elbows and knees to the body and kicks to the legs.  

    Foot work is the key to keeping your space so you can keep it standing and striking

  7. Well, if you don't want to kick 'em in the nuts or don't want to palm-strike them in the face (both aren't a great idea for school fights with that stupid Zero Sense , oops, I mean "zero tolerance" junk.  ), a good arm-bar will work nice--unless there's more than one person trying to fight you.

    After all, if they're gonna give their arms to you, why not make use of one of them? ;-)

    I think I saw a technique on how to counter a hold like that on youtube. (I think the video was "functional kenpo"...or somethin like that).

    And I agree with everyone that it's best to try to avoid fighting-- but  there are times when bullies don't care wether you want to fight or not.  Do your best to avoid fighting, and defend yourself only if you're in danger .

  8. How about not being foolish and don't fight. All fights can be avoided.

  9. Assuming you cannot avoid the fight - meaning, you are stuck in a locker and only brought out to fight others under the real threat of death (i.e. gun to your head)....

    the best way to avoid grappling is to create distance.  Don't let the other guy grab you.

    Better yet, grow up and cool off.
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