
School fights...?

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Has anyone seen the Talequah school fight or the bus fight.Both are kinda cool and are really popular.I wonder what happened to the people in those vids.How many people has seen these vids yet?




  1. i havnt

  2. I have not seen those and have no intention of doing so.

    School fights are stupid and detract from learning. Take it from someone who lived in one of the most violent districts in the country.

  3. I've seen them. Indicative of what we are teaching our children aren't they?

  4. I saw the 'school bus' fight on Greek TV yesterday .... actually it didn't seem too bad to a person like me - growing up in a rough working class area .... the teenager was trying to get off the bus - not at an official stop ... so the woman on board was trying to stop her by pushing her back to her seat - then the woman's daughter got up to protect her mum. As teens we used to get thrown off the local buses on a regular basis!

    God forbid we had the 'Don't touch me attitude' of teens today.

    Here's the school bus fight

    Just seen the school fight - These happened regularly when I was in school (many years ago) we just didn't have the means to record them! I was in a few ..... that's life!
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