
School getting rid of aide after 7 yrs cuz they don't like her

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My friend has worked for a Michigan school for a child with Autism. For 7 years she has worked well with this child. The teachers she has worked with had very little input, so she educated herself more. They told her they would be moving her possibley into another spot, but thats not likely. Her boss has replaced her with a new aide and her parents fear that she will not do will. It took my friend 4 months to understand how to work with this child. The parents have talked to the school and the director said she will not even let the other aide help the new aide for a few days. The parents have seem a wonderful improvement in their child and want the adie to stay. Transisition for child with autism is very difficult. Does anyone know if they are breaking any laws dealing with this child. I've tried to look it up, but there are pages and pages. Thank you for your time




  1. It's sad, but no laws are being broken here, they can reassign the aide or let her go without any consequence to the employer.

    You seem to be a good advocate, though, and if you put some effort into coming up with positive ways to let the powers-that-be know that this person has done a great job, then surely something good will come of that. I would ask the parents to write the school board, the principal, the state education department, and intercede for your friend, explaining what a wonderful job she has done.

    That may help, and I hope it does.  Don't stop at this one question to the Answerers here in Yahoo -- carry it on to a higher level and see if you can be the appropriate fly in the ointment that will get something done.  I wish you all the best!

  2. That is sad, why doesn't she and the parents get together and talk about maybe having her come over to their home and continue to help this child since she knows how to deal with the child. I am sure they are willing to pay for her services. Just an idea. I hope all goes well for her.

  3. Read my answer to your other question about this.  

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