
School head teacher..?

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i am in year nine, and since i started my school i havent taken a holiday and i think i have had one or two days off in the whole time i have been their, and i havent had a holiday at all (in school or holiday times) for 3 and a half years, so my mum booked a holiday for 2 weeks, starting 3 weeks before i break up for the 6 week holidays, that way id have the last week at school to catch up (i will have finished my exams by then)..and on the holiday form it said you may be given up to 10 days off per year, which is all i needed, and my teacher has approved 5 days and not approved 5, but my friend took 2 week hol at the begining of the year and has had a total of 17 days off ill and she put a holiday form in roughly the same time as me for 8 days off and got accepted, she has had way more and the head has stated on the letter that if i take more than the approved days my mum will be fined £100- per 5 days.

is there anyone my mum can apply to so i can have the other 5 days off?





  1. I suggest contacting your local area education authority for advice. As a matter of courtesy, inform the head teacher, though you might take the view forewarned is forearmed and not want him to know. I don't think the school or authority can fine your mom. He may mean that unauthorized absence will be reported which can result in a court appearance and a fine.

    Another idea is to speak to your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

    Alternatively, you might be ill that week.

  2. Your Mum should ask to meet the headteacher to discuss her reasons for not accepting all of the holiday as absence.

    This is taken from :

    Brief Description Extended Family Holiday (agreed)

    Statistical Meaning Authorised Absence

    Legal Meaning Absent         

    Physical Meaning Out for whole session

    DCSF Definition

    Parents should not normally take pupils on holiday in term time.  They must apply for leave in advance of taking it. Each request for holiday absence should be considered individually taking account of: the age of the child; the time of year proposed for the trip; its nature and parental wishes; the overall attendance pattern of the pupil; the child's stage of education and progress. Schools should invite parents to discuss any proposed holiday in term time.

    Schools can only agree to absence for a family holiday if they believe there are special circumstances which warrant it.  They can only agree to absence of more than 10 school days in a school year if they believe there are exceptional circumstances.

    Pupils who fail to return to school within 10 days of the end of extended leave of absence may be deleted if both the school and LA fail to locate them and they do not have good reason to be absent.

    Relevant Regulation 7 and 8(f)

    Additional useful information:

    This category is for the whole of an extended holiday where the head teacher has agreed there are exceptional circumstances.

    If a school does not agree absence and the pupil goes on holiday, absence is unauthorised (Code G). If parents keep a child away for longer than was agreed, any extra time is recorded as unauthorised (Code G).

    If the school considers that there are exceptional circumstances why the pupil should be granted approval for a holiday of more than 10 days, this approval can be given and the absence would be authorised and recorded under Code F.  Examples include:

    • parent working abroad for a fixed, medium term period; and

    • returning to country of origin.

    If you get no joy from the Headteacher, your Mum could ask for a meeting with or write to the Parent Governor and ask them to raise the matter with the Board of Governors.

    However, some schools may allow an absence where another school may not.

    You should mention the details that you have already mentioned because Headteachers should make their decisions in an evenhanded way, and it would seem that this has not been done.

    If you look further on this site, my reading of Penalty Notices is that they can only issue Penalty Notices for unauthorised absences of 10 days or more.  And you have already been given 5 days which seems a little odd that they won't give you the other 5 days.  Not many people take their summer holidays for just 5 days!

    Good luck!  Hope you get to enjoy your holiday.

  3. Get your mum to arrange a meeting with the school, appealing your case.  If she is declined she can go through the complaints procedure with the local authority.  I also don't think your school could legally fine your mum, nor do I think you could be expelled.  It isnt fair for a school to treat one pupil one way, and another another way!  It should be one rule for everyone.

    However, I personally don't agree to anyone taking time out of school to go on holiday at anytime of the year, regardless of the good intentions of catching up later as the information you absorb on your own isn't as good quality as being taught by a professional, or is it expected the teacher should teach the same information twice, or more (everytime someone goes on holiday)?

  4. hi there go to the gp and get a sick note, this should save your mum getting fined, i am sure your gp will be understanding, what can the school say if you have a medical certificate to say that you could not attend school for 5 days xx
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