
School help-agriculture graphs?

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yes, hello i am doing a huge project that counts as about 50% of my grade and for it i need some graphs and charts of

1) year to year farmland growth/ land depletion

2) population growth to crop need (year by year)

3)and resource usage with current crop production methods

but ive looked EVERYWHERE and tried to find some to the best of my abilities but i cannot find any

so can anyone help me out and can either give me some or tell me where i could?




  1. there should be a county extension office of agriculture in your county try them they should have all the information you need

  2. Wow... you have a pretty tall order there.  Hopefully you have more than three days left to work on this.  It will take some work and I cannot believe that you have not found some info on the interenet.  If not you need to go back to your teacher for some help on understanding how to use search engines to your benefit.  You need to break down your questions and search the various universities for agriculture economics and information that they can provide.  Most state universities that are Land Grant colleges will have ag economic departments to provide, in part, some of your info needs.  Good luck.

    Check the FarmDoc website from the University of Illinois.

  3. Before you set out to solve this, try to identify the geographic area you are to work on. This project is very different if you are dealing with your local county, your state, of federal or the whole world.

    All of those would be meaningful graphs to create, but without a definition of zone, the project will be several times bigger.

  4. Your first question can be answered by the USDA's Census of Agriculture.  The remaining two would be, if anything, estimates depending heavily on, as the previous posters have mentioned, what region and what specific crops you are looking for.  

    The Census of Agriculture is taken every 5 years with 2002 being the most recent year available.  Data can be looked at from National, State, or County levels.  ('07 data is just now being collected.)

  5. Check on the University of Missouri Columbia website and see if the have anything under FAPRI.

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