
School help?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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I am starting college this fall and I need to get school supplies. I don't really know what kind of things I should get. Should I get a binder per class or a notebook? Any help would be nice!




  1. I have binders for each class. They're more durable than folders and help me stay better organized. I have one big five-subject notebook for taking notes in each of my classes, which is a TON easier than carrying around five tiny notebooks. Your teachers should inform you of anything else you need besides the basics of paper, pens and #2 pencils. If you like staying hyper-organized, you can buy a daily planner or agenda book to write homework assignments in and keep track of your schedule. Good luck at college!


    That thing has kept me a lot more organized in college than I usually am.  It has room for 5 subjects and plenty of pockets for your syllabi and handouts.  It also has notecards in the front that you can tear out, which is great for a speech class, studying court cases, or using for when profs let you have an index card full of notes for a test.  It's a little pricey for a notebook, but it's nice only carrying one thing around instead of 5.

  3. Well that really depends on what kind of student you are. I didn't like to carry around a lot of stuff while walking from one class to another; it becomes really hard on the body. And I didn't like to have separate notebooks per class b/c I so infrequently actually used all the pages. So, I got one of those small 5 subject notebooks and a few folders for each class (for handouts, returned papers, tests, etc.). If you need help getting organized, you might want to think about a binder. But if you can stay organized with relative ease, I'd skip the heavy binders/notebooks and go with a smaller 5 subject.  

  4. just pick up a STAPLES catalog and look at the pictures. maybe that will give you some kind of idea.

    my sis is going to college too. just bring your laptop and a few spare notebooks- remember pens and pencils and a calculator. and bring enough money so that you can buy your textbooks. S.H.I.T. IS EXPENSIVE  

  5. I got a binder for each day set -i.e. Monday, Wed, Fri classes, and one for Tuesday, Thur classes. They are 1 1/2 inches, so they should fit all my papers and I am using dividers to keep the subjects apart. I also got a 5 subject notebook in which to take notes and things like that. Good luck!

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