
School in a week...pimples..not good!!! help plz???

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i have school in about a week and 3 days. for a long time song ive been having pimples all over my bak and shoulders. i really dont want ppl to see it its really gross. plz dont tell me to were shirts that cover my shoulders i wanna wear beaters and tanktops cuz its too hot at my school! also ive been using this stuff my dermotoligist gave me and it doesnt work :( does anyone no somethin that works really fast? if not really fast somethin that might take the redness away? plz help!!! thx!!!




  1. TOOTHPASTE! it stops the swelling and redness.

    try those chinese herbal drinks. they actually work. ;)

  2. hydrogen peroxide works well

  3. The combination of Tea Tree Oil soap and the Clindamycin cream is the best for Acne and pimple.

    For acne scars and blemishes my wife use  papaya kojic and licorice base soap and cream which are available online. These work wonders. Maybe it will work on you too. Try searching it through Google 'shopaholic's bargains'

  4. well, you cant make all your pimples go away in only a week. its pretty much imopossble. the stuff that the dermatologist gave you will likely work, it takes like a month or so but will. i had the same problem and my dermatoligist gave me 2 prescription creams, one called tazorac and one called benzaclin. i also have some pills i take that help with it. that worked for me!! well hope you find a solution

  5. drink lots of water.. it's good for clearing pimples.. use acne cleanser to wash your face everyday... have enough sleep.. stay away from chocolate or food which contain fat.  

  6. I would definitely suggest you try SWISS glutathione bar. Its actually a soap intended for skin lightening but it really works well against pimples and the maks they leave behind! it dries them out easily in just 2-3days! a lot of people buy it for that purpose even if they dont have to lighten their skin. check out

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