
School is actually destroying me?

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Here's the thing, I LOVED Primary School (Here you do Primary School 7 Years then High School 7 Years) but when I went to High School it all changed. I can't cope with the Friends thing, (Cliques) I despise School more than I have hated anything in my life...

I've been in High School for 2 Years and I can't find any real friends; It looks like my only friends aren't speaking to me now because they say I am too quiet. But I just can't be loud because it's just not my personality. I want to just not have friends but I won't have anyone to sit with in class and lunch. Everyone is really popular in my year and they all stare at me like I'm crazy, I'm actually crying as I type this. I have thought about suicide but I will never do it of course. It seems like I can never get out of this cycle, I just wish I had some real friends in High School to make it easier.

I know everyone will be like Get Help or Change Schools but I can't because my mom and dad are like Get on with it but they don't know how miserable I truly am. I thought about HomeSchooling but I don't think my mom could teach me as she dropped out of School and she doesn't have any qualifications or anything; She has her own business to run also.

Sorry it's so long, I just don't know what to do, does anyone have any advice? Oh Yeah and please don't say make new friends it REALLY isn't as simple as that everyone already has their groups and many of them came from the same primary School.




  1. Blue Sea pretty much said it all for me, their answer was beautiful. I was pretty much what you'd call a loner in high school, not because I wouldn't talk to anyone but because I didn't have that many close friends. I talked to lots of people in every grade level and they were pretty much nice. I stayed away from bad influences and did my own thing. It may sound weird, but if you don't care what people think about you, then talk to your teachers. They're usually more fun outside of class. Get caught up in getting good grades and excelling in school. Like someone else said, join a club or find a hobby.

    Don't just sit around moping, get out there. Who cares what people think? Don't give in.

  2. How about joining some groups or activities?  I know that may sound lame but sometimes you have to take a leap of faith, really.

    But..........the thing is high school flies by and the worst thing in your life will not be the fact that you felt alone in high school.

    Put your nose to the grindstone, get great grades and study and learn and read and flourish.  Graduation will come --friends and cliques are a thing of the past--and high school becomes but a distant memory.  Onto college you go to prepare for a career and by getting good grades and just working for your future you'll achieve the ability to get a job you love that pays good and THAT IS WHAT YOU LIFE BECOMES   You become an adult, meet a guy (or girl) get married, have babies................and high school?  You'll wonder what the helk all the fuss was about!

    So please don't waste another moment lossing time in your life worry and fretting.

  3. If your having a hard time in high school wait til you get out in to the real world , where you have to get along with co workers , your boss, or employees.

    Oh an you can do this with out having friends.. So the bottom line, stop feeling sorry for yourself, and do what you need to do , to graduate, get a job, own a home, find a life long partner..  Its life, and when life gives you lemons you make lemon aid.  

    Also since school just started you have plenty of time to make new friends..  

  4. all i can say is you have to carry on until you finish from this school or if you go to another one you will find other friends plus your friends and then u'll get more friends and the important thing that you have to ask about the school before you get in it

    hope it helps


  5. Awww, I know exactly what you're saying. School sucks.

    I've gone to public school, but right now I'm homeschooled, and guess what? My mom doesn't have any qualifications either! She just read some books and did her best, and recently I got a scholarship to a university! So "qualifications" don't really matter as long as you're willing to learn.

    If you really think homeschooling isn't an option for you though, lemme tell you that I felt exactly the same way when I went to public school. And...honestly, I never did make any real was really hard to handle, I hated it SO much.

    If anything helped me, I'd have to say it was art. I loved to draw, play the French horn, write stories (this is VERY theraputic), listen to music.... It doesn't matter if you aren't good at it, just do it and I'm sure it'll make you feel a little better (and you don't have to show anyone, it can be private). Or, if you're just not "into" that kind of thing, try to find something else you like to do, maybe looking at birds or bugs, or planting flowers or something. Just find something you really, really like to do.

    Hope that helps!

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