
School is causing me + my friends to split..?

by Guest44726  |  earlier

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So, i dont get to see my friends all day except for 45 mins a day.

And they all ignore me, because we dont have classes together.

I confronted my BFF that she dicthed me 2 days ago, and shes mad at me.! How do i get my friend back.




  1. you should just say sorry for everything u did and u might get ur friend back i go to a school where there is lots and lots for drama so I'm i no about it

  2. you'll have many bff's along the way. it'll be ok. if she was a friends she would not be acting like that.  

  3. You know, it's not your fault that you don't go to classes together. Tell her that it's not your fault that you don't go o classes together. And if you really want you and your friend to get along together again, say sorry to her, ok?

  4. we sayhey wats goin on why u mad at me srry we dont have any classes together get over it.

  5. You need to quit school and start taking counselling on friend-making, friend-maintaining and friend-keeping (the so-called "trilogy" of skills that professional friendship counsellors help their clients with).

    You will meet people in FMFMFK counselling that have similar problems, and then you won't need skool anyways.

  6. well let her calm down for a bit. she may come up to you after she thinks about it. but if she got mad at you for confronting her then she is not the kind of friend you want or for the fact being that she ditched you...what ever you do do not say your sorry for you didn't do anything wrong.make her say sorry for doing what she did. trust me this happened to me a few times......

  7. they should understand that you have school, if they're ur real friend they will stick around and be more understanding. if they ditches u then they're not real friends so just meet new friends, the one that has the same classes with u

  8. just lose her if shes going to do that. whenever i started middle school that happened to me too, middle school gives you a chance to meet new friends and even though my best friends from elementary school arent my best friends anymore the best friends i made in middle school are still my best friends even now going into high school.

  9. ok let me draw u a picture...if a frnd says shes mad @ u and u say srry and she doesnt 4give thn w/e! find anothr 1. frnds *** and go. and in life u live and learn. so i mean i thnk u shuld ask her y shes mad @ u and say srry or if tht explanation doesnt deserve and apology thn 4get her. lifes tough u cant give evry1 d easy way out

  10. Ya, school totally tore my social life apart.  I learned how to get on by myself.  But I also learned that some people that I thought were my friends really weren't.

  11. Hang after school or call her and tell your sorry that it isn't your fault and sit with them in lunch and in weekends go to there house and do stuff

  12. oh gosh, those arent true friends.

    excuse me but i have friend from other different schools, city, and state. we all keep in touch.

    i think your friend or BFF doesnt wanna talk to you because their juss stuck up and s****. like and and think their to good to be your friend. you really shouldnt bother trying to be friends with people like that, your just wasting your time.  and they will only want to talk to you when they need something. oh yes, best believe it. friends come and go .. but nothing you should be stressing over.  if they dont want to have a friend like you than its their lost not yours. it aint worth getting fusturated over! it juss little kids stuff.  

  13. Your friends obviously don't know how to deal with being apart from you. My best friends and I have been going to different schools for a while now, and we are closer than ever, even though we go for weeks without hanging out.

    I would suggest looking for more friends that know how to deal with having different classes than you.

  14. It doesnt sound like your friends are willing to invest time on your relationship. Especially if you bff gets mad at you for asking an honest question that doesnt sound like somebody who wanna be your friend. Start talking with students in your own classes and you might actually find a better bff. I wouldnt go begging your friend, she's the one who is in the wrong and hence she should be the one to make up with you.

    This can be an opportunity for you to make new friends.

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