
School is coming soon, two poems of my daughters' first days, your comments?

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Do you remember that first day of school?

We had time to walk that simple mile

To the end of the village

Your little hand in mine

The time we shared was precious

It would not come again

Our walk in time.

Do you remember that first day of school?

Your mind was eager.

We had time to share.

The world was fresh,

There was much to learn.

The season brought the flowers

Even as it turned the leaves.

Our walk in time.

Do you remember that first day of school?

I said, "Dear what shall we talk of?"

Thinking you might like to learn

The mysteries of botany

Or the seasons in their turn

Languages or history,

Things they give

Our walk in time.

Do your remember that first day of school?

You said, "Father teach me Bible."

So I did proceed to teach how all began

With One, and with that One would end.

We talked of stories' origins

Asked what each one might teach

Our walk in time.

Do you remember that first day of school?

You would give your teachers headaches

With logic that you learned;

Smaller minds would falter

At the Truth that in you burned

Simplistic questions be denied

Our walk in time.

Do you now look forward

To a new first day of school?

With a little hand in yours

To walk the distance you might have

Sharing precious time

Time so dearly given,

Your walk in time?

© December 12, 2007 Albert K. Jungers All rights reserved


Another day

Another walk

Another hand in mine

A different touch

Opposite way

And different look

At time.

You would not ask

What your sister asked

But would say what

Was on your mind

And test each thing

By your own design

And different look

At time

Each thing reinvented

Took different shape

Purpose unique

With answer new

Worked out by you

To your question

And different look

At time

©February 3, 2008, Albert K. Jungers, All Rights Reserve




  1. These are wonderful!  It's always amazing how different children in the same family are.  Even my identical twin sons were, and are, so different

    in the way they respond to the world.  Thanks also, for the memories of walking hand in hand and talking about everything.

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