
School is coming soon and I was wondering...?

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what would be a good breakfast to eat so i am not hungry until like lunch time in school im in school at like 8ish and lunch is sometime between 10 or 11 so can u tell me a good breakfast to keep me not hungry until then?




  1. frosted mini wheats...wheat toast and butter...banana

  2. It depends on what you like. I advise you not to eat sugary cereal because it doesn't make you full for very long. Eat something like a bagel or oatmeal. Eggs or pancakes would work too. If you don't have much time in the morning to make yourself breakfast, you can buy Instant Carnation Breakfast mixes because they have two times the protein and calcium as eggs or yogurt! Good luck!

  3. oatemeal eggs bacon. You want protien and complex carbs. I usually don't eat a big breakfeast, but bring a snack to eat because we can eat in our classes, you can bring a snack to eat in your break if they don't let you eat in break.

  4. I have that problem too. x.x


    Some thing you can try in the morning's are wraps. What I do is:

    Warm up 1-2 scrambled eggs in the microwave for 1-2 minutes(with shredded cheese mixed into it, optional)

    Then chop up some tomatoes, or green/red peppers.

    Add in a slice or two of ham or turkey.

    Then roll it up in a tortila wrap.

    If you eat a small fruit along with it you're sure to be hunger free. :]

    Quick fruits to eat that i recommend with the wrap: Plums, peaches, strawberries

    Good luck!

    April xoxo~

  5. What i do is buy a instant coffee and get a teaspoon and mix it with the milk and cook it for 1 min 30 secs in in your microwave.I usally sneak some snacks in class like dry cereal or take a oj with you

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