
School is miserable for me...HELP!?

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Ok, well I went back to school yesterday and I hated it. The teachers were fine, but the people on the other hand...well, you get the point. But nobody barely talks to me and I don't talk much either, because I am very shy. I wanna make friend's, but last year my bff and I made enemies because this girl that used to be our friend stabbed us in the back. And everybody is friends with her now, so they don't like us because she said all of this stuff that was untrue. And I'm not popular. I don't really wanna be, but I want some friends. And I have no classes with the ones I do have. What should I do to have a better time? Oh and at break I just stand there because I don't have it with my friends. So I am so lonely and scared to talk to other people. Please help with my situation! What should I do? =(

By the way: I am in 8th grade.




  1. Hi, I had that same kind of problem when I was in School,too- But I stuck it out , I tried to be friends w/ the others, I tried to not let on , {ya, it hurt my feeligs, too}, but then one day they started to be nice too- I was shy, we were poor , but I still tried to like them all- It will work, it did in time for me- You will be in my prayers, and just be you-Good Luck-

  2. Be humble... and kind and smile always... it works :D;...

  3. Cut yourself away from that retarded drama. I knew quite a few people who lasted whole grades just standing there to themselves and barely talking to anyone... including myself. School sucks, but it's also not some kind of a dating service or a social networking place. Just get in there, get it over with, get out and get on with your own life.

    School's a place to study, not be popular and all that over vapid c**p.

  4. you should talk to someone...they wont approach you unless you look approachable. if you sit at break looking worried with your arms crossed no one will talk to you. you need to approach someone yourself.

    maybe you should talk to the school counselor

  5. that totally happened to me last year

    i hated it

    i tried swtiching schools but i couldnt

    after a few weeks i started making friends

    like you im reallyyyy shy

    i just had to get outta my bubble

    and im still working on it

    but i made a lot of friends

    after a few weeks

    just wait a little go up to someone and start a convo

    be friendly be yourself


    hope that helped


  6. Say to yourself "Change starts with me"! you've already made a start by asking this question.

    Be confident, happy... just go up to people and start chatting and ask would it be ok to come lunch with you etc.

    I wish you the best of luck... don't go through school unhappy for one more day!


  7. well you gotta talk to the other kids! who cares what they think? start talking and b friendly! once they learn how nice you are maybe you can get around to sayin how the rumors arent true. just be more social. i had an old friend turn some people against me but i ended up being really good friends with most of the people she turned against me. so just be friendly.

  8. You should try to introduce yourself in a random way. If you see someone that looks nice sitting somewhere at lunch ask them if you can sit there. Somehow you could get a conversation going. Like "I really like your shirt!" (even if it isn't true) "I really like your hair how did you get it so nice?" (again even if it isn't true) Any compliment. Compliments will get you through life. Try making some friends in your classes, near your locker so you have someone to talk to during break.

    I'm so sorry that school sucks but I really do hope you have a good 8th grade expeirence. Good Luck!!

  9. just befriend the other people.

    dont be scared just talk to them

  10. OMG I feel so bad for you and I know how it feels!! For my whole seventh grade year I felt that way! =[ I had moved to a new area and I didn't know where I belonged, but for 8th grade I moved and went to a different school and everything got better.]

    Okay anyways you can try just talking 2 new people. Especially those new to the school because they've probaly heard no false rumors about you. As for the people that were already at the school try being friends with the ones that aren't friends with your ex-best friend. To start a conversation I used to use things like asking people about the work we were doing or say oh i like your shoes they're cute and it usually starts a conversation with them! =]

  11. Better than me, when I was in school (I'm outta high school now) I was bullied so badly I had nervous breakdowns in the morning before I left for school.

    My advice, look for people who share a common interaste.  Join a club, I joined a charity group and that worked out well for me.

    If not, go outside of school to make friends.  Join the local library book club or a church group.

    And things will get better once you get to high school, you'll get to meet more people.  I know it can be hard to make friend's in the 8th grade because everybody seems to already know eachother.

  12. chick I was your place once upon a time and I am starting a new school in september. I know it isn't easy but if you feel miserable and no one makes an effort its normally best to make a fresh start and go to a new school where people will see you are the new girl and understand that you may find it difficult to talk to people and they Will approach you and gradually you will make friends :-) good luck girl

  13. Even if it sounds incredibly hard, just try to talk to as many people in your classes as you can or at least strike up conversations with the people sitting next to you. If it sounds scary to you, just remember that it's better than the alternative.

    And pretend to be confident, that could help.

  14. i have kind of the same problem, only im in 9th grade.

    just BE CONFIDENT!

    i know it may be hard to act confident and proud of yourself during school because you are soo self conciouse about everything and you worry all the time about what people think, but seriously if people see you as a confident person they wont look at you as the girl with no friends. people will start to aproach you and your school year will get better :) and dont worry, the first day is ALWAYS the worst, so the worsdt part is over :D

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