
School is starting so what should I do about.....

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so school starts soon and the guy I like will be in a few of my classes. I haven't talked to him all summer, and during the last school year he found out I like him. I just don't know how he feels about me in either that he likes me or just as a friend because he never talks to me. So I don't know if he really doesn't like me at all, or if he likes me and is afraid to talk to me. He hangs around all my other friends, so it's hard to "avoid" him. So this year, should I just kind of ignore him and act like I could care less, or try to talk to him? Please help!




  1. You let the whole summer go by without talking to him. So you either:

    -don't really care that much about him (and just like drama), or...

    -you are a coward that needs to get some courage.

    BTW: He knew how you felt and didn't approach you...the whole summer. So that is prettytelling that he ain't into ya.

    Grow up and move on.

  2. umm... this is hard one

    dont act needy, but dont ignore him... i know that to you it might not seem like it but things change a lot during summer... like he might not even remember that u like him... guys are very wierd...

    i fell in love with this guy during last summer and he said he liked me a lot and he asked me out (i said yes) and i didnt see him for what? 2 weeks and when school started he ignored me... it was pretty odd like he would not even say hi to me one day and in the other he would flirt with me so much people thoght we were dating, but then he started dating this other girl... i liked him for 8 months and he told his friend that if i had made a move during these 8 months he would have left his gf for me... so no matter if the guy u like is messed up u r in truble big time... guys are confusing so make sure he knows u like him but dont let him think u need him

  3. Talk to him like you do all your other friends, maybe he will get to know you better. If not then I'm sure there are other people that you will have for a boyfriend.  Your young, and will have many boyfriends, some better that others.  

  4. Just talk to him. Hold a little conversation with him in class and see where it goes from there. But i remind you be yourself. When your talking to him just be like: I know you know about now that I like you, so i was wandering how you feel about me, Just say that and see what he say's. Good Luck!!

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