
School lunch at home...?

by  |  earlier

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I really like the lunch at my school (immense I know) but the chicken sandwiches and chicken strips are so good i was wondering if there would be a way i could buy them and get some shipped to my house. Summer vacation is coming and Im going to miss school lunch. This is very fat question I know... you must think Im terribly corpulent and rotund, but Im not, i just love school lunch.




  1. Your school must be about 1000 times better than the one I went to

  2. ask the lunch cordinator

  3. Well hey, everyone is different and not all school lunches are so bad. You can ask the nicest cafeteria lady next time you're at school if it's possible for you to buy a case of the chicken strips and sandwiches from them. And if it's not, ask them what is the next best thing to them in the frozen section of the super-market...

  4. ur not the only one. the chicken sandwhiches are good. lol. but i do know that they sell chicken sandwhiches chicken tenders and corndogs etc. at publix. and it should taste the exact same. hope this works,good luck.

  5. I did a research on school lunches and found many strange things going into the oven.  Things shaped like mice and little hamsters!  I would ask the school first what kind of meat they use in that chicken sandwich, then ask for the address of the company that ships the food there.  I guess some people like eating things like that. Lucky you!

  6. The school has to buy them from somewhere.  Ask the lunchroom manager where.  You can probably order them.  Good luck!

  7. man my school lunch is helllllla nasty, your lucky u have some good food!

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