
School magazine fundraiser??

by  |  earlier

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So our school fundraiser is selling and renewing magazine supscriptions. I'm trying to sell 10. I can't sell them in my neighborhood because everybody on my street goes to my school. I want to go to my ortho dontist becuase i know they will buy. But i don't have an appoinment during the funraiser. Would it be rude if I went in just to sell?

My questions:

Any tips on selling?

Would it be rude if I just went to the orthodontist to see about the magazines?

anything else you may find helpful




  1. No it's not rude to ask. Tell them it's for a fund raiser and they will understand.

    Trust me.

  2. No way (I mean it is not rude to ask). But don't go up to the orthodontist. Maybe call in advance or something and let them know you'll be making a stop his secretary or receptionist. And also take advantage of every clinic in town or every business in town that has a waiting area (a lobby) maybe even try hospitals. The biggest source of you're fundraising income will be these places where they have subscriptions for the magazine.

    Also go to another neighborhood talk to you're family members who might want magazine subscriptions. Also call any law offices (maybe). Just be courteous and ask nicely don't force the issue if their not interested thank them for their time and move on. Also traveling to different neighborhoods maybe with you're mom or dad in the car and go door to door. Ask you're teachers if other students already haven't. Ask anyone and everyone (adults) if they are interested.

    Good luck.

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