
School/people angst - how to deal?

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How do I get over anxiety and self-confidence issues at school and out in the public? Sometimes I feel like I'm not being myself because I am always afraid of what people think of me, and it's truly ruining my life. Certain people make me feel uncomfortable because of what happened in the past, and I can't seem to get over it and put some closure to previous problems because I'm too shy and anxious. Please give some suggestions to overcome this stupid way of thinking.




  1. Everyone is self involved and is usually not interested in anything but themselves. forget about the past and so will everyone else. They only bring it up because when they did you reacted to it. When they see it doesn't bother you it wont be fun any more. People in school are not people they are all insecure, imature, abused children. People these days really have no idea how to raise their children to have the ability to function as healthy adults. So basically they don't know any better I feel sorry for the kids who are so confused that they actually think hurting someone else is acceptable, funny or benifiting them in any way.  

    You need to slow down, relax and stop thinking so much. Trying too hard can be a tough one but, you will get it. It's hard to be one of the best because everyone wants to challenge you. Stupid people think "oh this person is better than me, I better give them a hard time because, I want to see them do as bad as me so I can feel adequate." You really can't listen to them they are just acting the only way they know how which is going to make life harder for them  especially later.

    The more people treat you bad the better you are doing so just take the insults and see them as compliments.Never let them think they have hurt you and they will stop and sometimes try to be your friend instead, I wouldn't trust them too much too fast though. Hang in there you will get to find your place and it will be worth it.

    When you get out of school people become more reasonable and you wont have these problems anymore. Plus no one will know the past so you don't have to worry about that. Since you didn't tell us what the past was I can't advise you but, I'm sure it wasn't anything that no one else has done. Just learn from your mistakes the more you make now the better off you will be later anyways. Write me if you want to talk I like to help because I know what it is like to be like you.

  2. Focus on strengths not weaknesses. Learn to put the past to bed and move on. Take Valerian, a natural herbal remedy from a Herbalist, to help you control your anxiety/nervousness until you are stronger.

    Best wishes. I hope you feel better soon. UK

  3. you need to get over yourself, watch "Peaceful Warrior"

    you should do something without thinking of it, in order to gain control, you must lose it first

    don't try to change what you can't: you can never change how someone thinks about you, that is their decision. You can influence, but you can't change it by changing yourself.

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