
School physical exams?

by  |  earlier

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has anyone here had a physical at school, like in the gym?

and what if you refused it, what happened?




  1. had to get one in my school last year,they called a group of ten of us down to the nurses office.we all had to undress down to our boxers the doctro checked ears eyes breathing then made u drop ur boxers felt ur balls made u cough it was embarrising cause we where all down in the same room in front of eatch other there was no screen everyone saw ur p***s when u had to drop ur underwear

  2. never in the gym just at my doctor's office

  3. I had one last year (9th grade). I think I could've refused if I went to my own doctor. I'm not sure. They did it for each p.e. class. They had us line up in our underpants and the doctor was behind a screen so when you got examined the others weren't supposed to be able to see you. Well, sometimes you could see a little bit. They weren't real careful about the screen. The exam was quick. The last thing was the hernia check. We were all laughing in line everytime we heard a guy cough cuz we knew where the doctor had his hands. It really wasn't that bad. You shouldn't be so worried about it.  

  4. I'm not sure if you can refuse, but I'll assume you're in highschool, and if they even let you refuse, they would most likely contact your parent's and pediatricion/doctor and have one of them perform a physical on you.

    Hope this helped (:

  5. if you refuse it, you just won't be allowed to participate in sports
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