
School pictures turning out bad?

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why do they always turn out so bad?? haha mine isnt as basd as last year but it looks bad




  1. haha, ours don't look too bad. but it's probably because it's in black in white.

    I just don't get why they take school pictures in the beginning of the year and not the end. because we all look different at the end of the year, and that's when they give us our yearbooks. right?

  2. It's genetic mutiny. Plus you were probably focusing on Mr. Hottie Photographer and ended up cross-eyed.

    My suggestion: comb your hair, have facial reconstruction, and find a little old lady to take your picture! lol

    Seriously though, there is some kind of conspiracy. My senior pictures were AWFUL and the guy who did them was just a plain creep. I was hoping he would want me to look my best, but no, he just hates teenage girls.  

  3. ah same here this year i had i just HAD to cut my bangs  and they were so ugly and guess what next day was school pictures I'm like s**+* are you serious? so yeah it sucks haha and pretty eembarrassing since its in the yearbook!

  4. There's a reason they earn the nickname "mug shots".  XD

    It tends to be that you don't smile naturally because you are trying to smile, so you either under-do it or overdo it, hair doesn't sit right, etc. It doesn't help that you can't see them right away before you walk away from the photo booths.

  5. remember to smile

  6. Maybe your school has a re-take day for people who missed that day or for people who dislike their pictures. If you do, try to find a lower cut shirt, that compliments your eye,hair, complexion. For blonds this is generally brown, and black haired people this is mainly blues.

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