
School play audition tomorrow.. help?

by  |  earlier

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the story is a spoof of cinderella.

basically, cinderellas mean, and ocd. stepsisters are nice.


Cinderella: I specifically instructed there to be three pillows on this couch.. three! and look at this spot on the coffee table. this is just unacceptable. when i ask for you to do something, i want it done right. what is THIS?now your crying on my carpet. you probubaly didnt wash your face this morning, and now your tears are running off your dirty cheeks, onto my good carpet. i said, stop crying!




  1. Ok, first of all, look at what type of character you're dealing with. She's obviously a snob here, right? Try making her sound and act like SHE is in control of everything, and SHE is better than anyone else. Put yourself in her position. Be nonchalant, and "above everyone." and hold your chin up high and have incredulous posture.

       Make sure you're not just reading off the lines. You've got to REALLY get into character, scowl when you yell, really glare.Evaluate your voice, Get your eyes to be filled with emotion. You could do this by remembering something in your past that really made you upset. Remember it, and take that anger out on the stepsisters. If they're not really there in auditions, look at your audience, or wherever the 'judges" may tell you to look at. (Just be sure to not get really envolved with your feelings. Shake it off as soon as you're done-people do bad things b/c of those kinds of feelings). -especially in acting.

         Make sure you're audible, loud enough for people in the back row to hear you. Don't screm at the top of your lungs, though.

         Use some hand gestures in there so you're not just standing there with a face on yelling at nothing. When you go to yell at the step sisters about 3 pillows, maybe you should try holding up 3 fingers madly, if you know what I mean.  When she says THREE! For the second time, make sure you really emphasize on it, or on anything else of that sort, like when she says, "What is THIS?" -try getting even more outraged, Think about it, Cinderella's going on and on about these things, and ANOTHER thing is added to a hurtful list...that would make someone pretty angry.

        Make sure your hands are out of your pockets, don't ask why.

    And one other thing, don't stress it. Give it your best shot, and you should do fine.

    Sorry if it sounds weird! It's harder to explain than to show you, you know?

    Break a leg!!


  2. This is a great script! definitally give ALOT of emotion an expression into it, they don't want someone who is afraid to get into the character, just remember, it may seem embarassing at first to put so much expression into it, but at the end of the day, its worth it to know how great of an actress you are and that you aren't afraid to put it out, and you will definately get the role you want!

  3. enter for the person your most like to not be nervous because all you do is be your self and really get into person your playing

  4. Be dramatic, loud enough for all to hear, confident, over act the part, fluent with your words, and enunciate. Also hand gestures will enhance the audition.

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