
School pray?Should we get right with god and have school pray. ?

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School pray?Should we get right with god and have school pray. ?




  1. they can pray at school if they want

    it shouldn't be mandated prayer issued by government

    remember jesus warned against praying in public like the hypocrites do and instructed his followers to go into a closet in private and pray

  2. In a secular nation the objective is to preserve a separation of church and state. The question always arises, "to which God should we pray?" Since this isn't an officially Christian nation (being secular as I just pointed out) it could be any number of possible Gods.  

  3. Although i believe in God. I don't think it is a good idea. People have other beliefs. We cant make others do or be around an environment  that they don't believe in. This should only apply to all christian all catholic all whatever  kind of schools.

  4. I believe church and state should stay separate.  When mixed it causes way too much discention.  Can you imagine... school prayer would take over a half hour trying to pray to everyone's "god" because we are always pushing political correctness.  And somewhere along the line someone would be insulted and a suit would be brought, blah, blah, blah...  If prayer is that important to someone, they have the choice to send their child to a school of their denomination.  However, I believe that our differences are what makes us great.  Why segregate?

    What we need to do in schools is concentrate on practicing tolerance and educating our children... plain and simple.

  5. There is school prayer in Catholic and other Christian schools.  Send your children to one of those schools if you want them to be able to pray in school.

    Public schools serve all religions as well as atheists.  Which prayer would you like to have in school?  How about the Egyptian Prayers for the Dead.  Or the Korean Buddhist chant, "Nam yo ho ren gek yo"?

    You can't force people to believe in your religion.  In order to be saved, they have to come to your religion of their own free will, not by legislation or at the point of the sword.

    Besides, you can pray quietly anywhere and anytime you'd like.

  6. I am Atheist and my parents wanted me to go to a catholic shool, they sent me there and i had to do preyers, everyone knew them but me and at a young age when hearing them i just thought they were stories, it was a waste of time in my eyes especially as i didnt understand what was going on. As my religious education lessons started i realised that people seriously get stupid over religion.

    Faith i understand and if you wanna have a cheer along and sing uplifting songs then fine, but in my time i was force fed 1 religion and told that all the c**p that the preyers represented were correct and true, there is only 1 god etc. And only when your not brainwashed at a young age can you see how stupid it all is. have faith to help guide you, preyers and the rest of the religions, i dont get it.

    For me Preyers shouldnt be apart of school and religious education should be an education on all types, christianity, catholic, muslim etc as only then would the youth understand the various cultures that exsist in our country and the world.

  7. You shouldnt even have to ask this question. YES!!

  8. No. That's a violation of other people's rights of free belief. If you want to pray, pray at home. Don't waste school time.

  9. There are times set aside during a school day for most children to have free time or recess. If prayer at school is important to some students then they should use that free time to pray in private. I don't believe it should be a group activity and the school should not set aside time for prayer. Prayer has nothing to do with academics.

  10. Pray to Allah? or just your god?  No.  School prayer will not help the problems we have.  The problems we have are because of what goes on at home, not what goes on at school.  Lousy, lazy, over-indulgent parents that don't know the meaning of discipline is the problem.  

  11. The parameters have been clearly defined by the Supreme Court, and even though this nation was built on Christian principles, we need to show respect for others' beliefs. This is why many schools have enacted a minute of silence, people can take this time to meditate, pray, or do whatever they hold sacred.  

  12. If you allow Christian's to pray, you have to also let Muslims pray the way they are accustom to.   Remember this country was founded  for freedom of Religion.  Separation of Church and State so my answer is no.

  13. I have always been for prayer in school. God knows that we need it.

  14. No. If you want people praying together in a large group....go to church. If they had prayer in school, I would strongly think about home-schooling. No one should be forced to pray.

  15. no

  16. AMEN!

    Yes we should.

    It's freedom of speech!

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