
School protests?

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if you had a protest in the school, what could they do? since we have the right to protest. also, i wouldnt do this but ive always wondered, if you chained yourself to something like in the school and refused to leave, what could they possibly do? juuust wondering?

but also. what kind of a protest could you have at school, as far as a pro-peace thing? and the consequences?




  1. You have the right to protest.  You also have the righ to the consequence's of or your actions.

    The school has many choices in how to deal with your behavior, not excluding expulsion if the case is warranted.

  2. be progressive, protest your right to protest

  3. As for having a right to protest as a student in a school (assuming you are in high school or lower), I do not think you technically have a right to protest.  Schools actually have a right to punish you if you disrupt the normal function and educational purpose of the school day, or something like that.  Now, it really depends on how far you go and who your admins are, but have you considered starting a pro-peace club that educates other students about pro-peace causes?  This may be a safer way to get what you want done at your school than a protest.

  4. School is for education. We taxpayers pay a lot of money to provide you with FREE education through high school.  It is your responsibility to go to school and LEARN something, not express your views on the world.

    If you want to protest anything, the time to do that is on your own time and your own dime.  

    Now, sit down, open your books and start studying.

  5. Please don't start a riot at your school because that is what usually happens. Even if it is for some giant reason politicians don't care your not old enough to vote.

  6. If you know whats good for you you will let the old hippies die out in peace,That's the only peace that will come from high school protesting.You need to worry more about your learning than trying to get out of class for something that you really have no idea about.

       Exactly what is it you want to protest? Keeping you safe at the malls,or the fact that some of your fellow students don't agree with you about the war on terrorism.The truth is,you are a coward and you have the right to be one but don't try to protest because others want to keep our country safe.

       Just enjoy your freedom while you can because if you get your way you won"t have it much longer.

  7. Chaining yourself to anything can lead to public nuisance/disturbance, obstruction charges or if the authorities really wish to make an example of you inciting a riot.

    In some areas obstruction is an indictable charge; if you wish to travel outside of your country, you would have to have this pardoned - not that easy depending on the circumstances.

    There are many ways to protest.  You do not have to chain yourself to anything.  Write an article for the school paper, report, etc and sign it (protest articles written anomonously do not mean much.

    Do not use profanity, or slander others.  Research your facts before making any type of protest.  

    Look at the pro's and con's of with an open mind and honestly - do not take the word(s) of one person, organization, - use your own brain and come to your own conclusions.

    Remember that there are many who will disagree with you; be prepared to answer the questions and objections with true facts and figures (stats).

    Keep your cool.

    Clear sensitve subjects with the school council and authority before going ahead with it.

    As others stated, the school has the right to discipline students, faculty members they deem to be violating their rules and standards.

    If your protest violates local, state/provincial, and/or federal laws, you could find yourself in jail or being investigated.

    Do not protest just because you think it may be an adventure/exciting.

    Good Luck and use good judgement
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