
School question....?

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I go to school but i really hate it, i told my mom i wanted to be homeschooled but she said no, what can i do to make her say yes? or what should i tell her.

Help plz

School is boring!!!




  1. You can make her say yes, but you may be able to present the information in a way that makes it more appealing to her.

    Make a list of problems you're having in school and how you feel homeschooling will solve them.

    Talk to her about these statistics:

    The benefits of homeschooling:

    And homeschooling vs. public schools:

    Be logical and respectful, and listen to her concerns as well.

    Good luck talking to your mom about this!

  2. y dont u try and think of all the positive stuff bout skool intead of the negative?

  3. well... im sorta opposite of u.. my mom is crazy about homeschooling... i got used to it.. anyway wat she said is that u learn more and ure mom can focus on wat she wants u to learn.. also it has a  flexible schedule... u may think that the work is easier than school but that is totally up to the parent.. jus try to get her to understand.. tell her the reason(s) y u dont wanna go to school and tell her the benifits of homeschooling... good luck!!

  4. Probably the thing of most importance here is:

    WHY is school "boring" to you?

    A) Are you getting excellent grades (4.0) and don't feel challenged?

    B) Are you "bored" because you have terrible grades and you don't "get" the material?

    C)Do you just wish you weren't in school so you could hang out with friends more?

    If the answer is "A", there are several ways you could go. You could check into advanced placement courses through your school or through a local community college. Homeschooling could also be a second route to tailor the learning to you.

    If the answer is "B", you may need remedial help (tutoring) if available through your school, maybe the teacher can offer some help during study halls etc for the subjects you're doing worst in. Homeschooling MIGHT also be another alternative.

    If the answer is "C", then I hate to tell you kiddo but the "real world" is that you only get about 15-25 hours for socializing ALL WEEK at best once you're out in the real world. The rest of the time you spend working, sleeping, getting ready to work, and taking care of your house or apartment. As far as "me time", this part of your life is the most you'll ever have.

    Let's say you're A or B and still want to be homeschooled. The issue THEN becomes finding out why mom doesn't want to allow it.

    Is it because she doesn't have faith in your ability to focus outside of formal school? If so, you'll need to find ways to demonstrate to her that you can follow through on your work without someone hovering over you.

    If it's because she doesn't think she CAN handle the teaching, you might see if she'd be open to a homeschool co-op (other parents share teaching but she WOULD be expected to teach as well...surely there's ONE thing she's really good at?) or online schooling.

    If it's because she thinks it will hurt your chances to get into college, there are any number of sites online that will show that's not the case if you are motivated and work hard at your schooling.

    Good luck....

  5. There's a book written just for kids like you:

    It even includes a chapter on talking to your parents about homeschooling.

    Get yourself a copy and dig in!

    Be well.

  6. kkk i know this sounds dumb and not appropriate but...

    tell ur mom all the advantages of homeschooling

    like for example... u can spend more time onm doing work

  7. Say can I please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please be home schooled?

  8. You can research your options and if you're sure that home schooling is something you want to do, rather than just a way not to go to school, then put together your arguments emphasising the positives and try to have a reasoned discussion with your mom. Hint "school is boring!!!" especially in a whiny voice, is NOT the way to go. Show your mom that you have given it serious thought and are mature enough to follow through on your studies.

  9. Isn't it usually the parent who is the teacher in homeschooling? If Mom says no, maybe she doesn't feel qualified to do the teaching. Maybe she doesn't see you as motivated to do your regular homework and feels that the situation could get worse with homeschooling. I think then that the magnet school might be a great idea. If school is hard because of a learning disability it could be even harder for Mom. If grades are the issue, perhaps you can get a tutor. Many high school students will tutor peers or younger students for community service if cost is an issue. You don't give your age. It sounds like a parent/teacher conference might help. School can be boring because it is hard or unchallenging to a stronger student. Homeschooling should not be an "easy out". Often parents are the worst teachers for their own children. Good luck kiddo.

  10. If your mom said no - then see if your district offers alternative education opportunities. Perhaps you qualify for a Magnet school or self teaching program - you have to talk to the Vice Principal and see what can be done. Good Luck!

  11. do something reallyy bad dealing with school.
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