
School questions. =]

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- How can i get my sleeping schedule back on track.

- Is it better to take showers at night or in the morning for school?

- How long shoud it take me to get ready.

- What time should i wake up.( i leave my house at 7:10 &:15ish.)

- When should I go to bed?

- Hair and make-up tips.




  1. -Like 2 weeks before school starts, start going to sleep earlier. (Well for me it takes two weeks, I need to start soon) If you normally go to bed around 2 am, try 1:30 maybe 1. Gradually decrease, but if you stay up later you may want to decrease at larger intervals. ...If that makes sense.

    -If you have hair c**p to do (ie. wash, dry/blow dry, straighten.) that takes up alot of time I would highly suggest taking one at night. At least then you can do all of that stuff at night. Styling however may need to wait till the morning. Also if you are like me and have a sibling who likes to spend all of 30 minutes in the freaking shower every morning, taking a shower at night would probably be a better idea. Or if you just want to sleep in a little later. I usually wake up 15 minutes later now because I don't need that time for my shower.

    -Mhmhmm. 45-50 minutes. Somethings can be cut down to not take as long. Like getting dressed. Instead of spending 30 minutes trying to figure out everything, set out the outfit the night before.

    -6:10 perhaps. Depends on all you need to do in the morning. (dude where do you live? By 7:00 I'm probably already at school in the bus loop) I give my self an hour, which means waking up around 5:50 or so, and have enough time to do what I need to do.

    -If you are going to wake up around 6-6:10 ...9? 10 maybe. Once again, depends on how much sleep you need. Some people are fine with 7-8 while others need 10. But yeah I would try 9 at first. As you get more comfortable going to bed later will probably be ok. On school nights, last year by the end of 2nd quarter I was able to sleep around 10-10:30 and wake up at 6:10.

    -Wash your hair and don't cake on the makeup. Pathetic I know but it's all I gots.

  2. Start getting to bed earlier and earlier each night

    Take one after you come home from school. You won't be sweaty and you'll feel refreshed.

    That depends on what you have to do. I take a total of ten minutes to get up, get dressed, get everything else done, and leave.

    No later than 6:45 AM.

    No later than 10:30, ideally.

    Don't make yourself look ugly.

  3. - get a time you have to read or watch tv or go on the computer set aside about a half hour before you want to go to sleep and keep that time the same everynight

    -I say at night because if u dont have time to dry your hair and then straighten it, ur in trouble, you can always use a spray bottle of water in the morning if ur hair got messed up over night.

    - i say 45 minutes tops

    - 6:15 or 6:30

    - 9:30 or 10:00

    - Straighten it if u like it that way, u could also wave it. keep the makeup simple and natural

  4. Ease into it by going to sleep earlier and earlier until 9:30. I'd say, even in the summer, to start waking up at 6:00. You should do this because it gives you enough time to eat, take a shower (do it in the morning, then you dont have to fight with bed head), get dressed, and out the door by 7:15. Like I said, go to bed at 9:30 and wake up at 6:00. This will give you about 8 - 8 1/2 hours of sleep and thats exactly what your body needs. Im a guy and i dont wear make up..


    maybe a week before school,

    set your alarm clock on the time that you usually wake up when there's school.

    so you'll be tired and sleepy earlier at night.

    that way, you'll be used to it by the time school starts

    wake up early-go to bed early


    if you get really cold in the morning,

    its best to take a shower in the night.

    but i shower every morning.

    its just that i feel fresher if i take a shower in the morning.

    if you have time in the morning,

    take a shower.

    if not, take one at night.


    prepare your clothes at night.

    before you go to bed.

    that usually wastes my time in the morning ;)


    give yourself atleast an hour

    so waking up at 6 in the morning is just perfect

    20 min to take showers if u are

    20 to put on clothes and make up

    10 min for hair

    the rest is for breakfast.


    go to bed at about 9-10

    i wont even say 8 cuz that's just impossible :p

    9-10 is just the right time to sleep


    your hair shouldnt be so fancy

    just do it


    once in a while, you can

    curl it, pony tail, pig tails, headbands, pin it, or just straight

    your make up shouldnt be too much.

    just a little,

    cuz sometimes, too much make up is not so pretty

    eyeliner if u want. little foundation. lip gloss.

    just be natural

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