
School sleeping patterns

by  |  earlier

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My parents made me go to bed at 12 am a couple of weeks ago, 11 pm last week and this week 10:30 pm, but the problem is i'm still waking up at 12! How do I stop waking up so late?




  1. Teens sleep a lot. If you want to get up earlier to get in shape for when school starts you are going to have to set an alarm. And make yourself get up just like you are going to have to do when school starts

    Set it for 10am for tomorrow morning.Then earlier each day till you are up at the right time for school

  2. set ur mobile to have loads of reminders one after the other with a really annoyin ring tone, n place it somewhere in ur room where you have to get out of bed to switch it off. or get ur parents to force u out of bed, e.g. like get them to come in hoovering open the curtains and throw the duvet off you

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