
School starts 2 weeks! Need Advice!?

by Guest67033  |  earlier

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In my school district, school starts again. I was calm and collected while i enjoyed my summer,but now that i am entering middle school in two weeks, i have lost all sanity. Any advice on survive in middle school?Whats are essential tips that i could use.

(P.S. Why are people saying grade 7, i am entering grade 6, i f anyone could answer that it would be really helpful)




  1. Ok that person who said you were held back don't listen bc that is UK in school years. where 6th grade is equivalent to year 7 etc. In some places middle school starts in 7th and some in 6th grade. Just be yourself and don't worry just enjoy your time and work to the best you can. You will do fine. :) Good luck :)

  2. Avoid drama and work hard.  It's not too bad in 6th grade (the drama)  

  3. dont worry sixth grade is easy, so is teh rest of middle school.

    worry about high school lol

    but still be yourself and see where it gets you.

    dont try and pretend to be something your not to get people to like you.

  4. grade six.. girl calm down... those are the easiet years of ur life..

    just relax be outgoing talk to people.. be friendly..

    dont start drama for no reason..

    dont do stupid things so people will like you...

    but most of all have fun.. those early years are so much better than highschool.

  5. Don't worry 6th grade isn't tough. One you reach 7th, 8th and high school, then you should lose your sanity lol.

    Just stay organized, relax, have a good breakfast, and don't get involved in the wrong crowd.

    Good luck!


  6. middle school is cool its not as bad as you think but keep up with your homework the reason some people are saying 7th grade is because some school districts start middle school at 7th grade mine didn't and it was ok most of the tim you wont have lunch with older kids so there is no body to pick on you and it will probably take you a couple of weeks to learn the school it took me awhile and i had to ask my teacher where i was going for every class but most of the time you will have someone who is in all your classes there was a kid that was in all my classes and i became friends with him so it wasn't that hard finding classes so try to find someone like that and stick with them i promise you that with in a month it will feel like your not even in a new school you'll have friends and you will no where your going so have fun in middle school

  7. Secondary School is years 7 to 12, so you have been held back. If you are stupid enough to think year 6 is secondary school then I can see why.

  8. yea its like that im my school too, that middle school starts in 6th grade.

    ok, um theres usually like an open house a day before the day of school, so u can get your schedule and get to know the school. Meet a couple friends there ok?

    on the first day, again call some friends to meet somewhere so u wont be alone.

    there are gona be alot of ppl you dont know coming from other schools, which is a good thing, make friends!

    theres also gonna be older kids, the 8th graders arent too mean LOL [[im in 8th grade]]  um but yea sometimes we just like to push the little kids for fun! LOL sorry, and we just like joke around like that, um if ur like gona ask some1 where __room is, i wouldnt ask an 8th grader- unless they look al nice, because a lil kid ask me where the west win lockers were on the 1st day, and i just started craking up!! im like- IN THE WEST WING! lol, yea but then i told her where to go.

    um the classes are alwayz boring! talkin rules and expectations, stuff like that.

    ok, now suvival advice LOL

    1- never talk **** about someone or even say anything mean, because some1 will tell her and ur gonna get ur *** jumped

    2- alwayz keep pads/tampons in you locker- going to the nurse is sooo embarrassing! especially if its a guy!!

    3- dont get into too much trouble and dont be a *** kisser LOL

    4- the fist week teachers dont care if u get lost and ur late, but after that they do, and its embarrassing to walk around lost.

    yea thats about it, dont be too scared- its fun!! if u have any questions, or problems in school- email me! u sound real nice so ud be happy to help =]]

  9. I'll help you out here.


    - be friendly

    - Make friends

    - Work hard in school

    - Have a high self-esteem ( you really need one)

    - Have fun

    - join clubs


    - be mean

    -act all boss with 7th and 8th graders ( god it's so annoying, they'll just shut you out and laugh at you and make you feel bad about being a 6th grader, i've seen it happen, I have made it happen a few times lol.)

    - try too hard to be popular ( that would make you REALLY unpopular)

    - Be late to class too much ( a few times is OK ;)

    - Be suprised at cussing, ignore it

    Have fun in middle school

                               Negimaisfreakinbest, once a 6th grader

  10. Middle School is great while your there!

    Heres some tips from my middle school experiences:

    1. The first week wil be crazy hectic. The teachers will cut you a break if your late or if your accidently breaking the rules. They give you plenty of time to get used to all the new things.

    2. You'll meet tons and tons of new people. BE OPEN TO NEW FRIENDSHIPS! don't worry about losing your old friends, because if they're worth keeping, they'll stick with you.

    3. The upper classmen won't be to fond of you. You'll hear lots of 'stupid 6th graders!' They only say that because thats what they heard while they were in 6th grade. The second your in 7th, you'll be saying the same thing!

    Middle School is fun, you get alot more freedom and you become friends with lots of other people. Good Luck!

  11. Don't stress on it so much. I remember when I it was my 1st day of middle school (back in 1999) I was really nervous b/c I thought that it was going to be different than from elementary is. You probably have an image of middle school and high school like its portrayed in the movies. Its really not like that. Just be true to  yourself, concentrate in getting good grades, and make sure that you don't change your personality to fit in with what ur classmates might think is "in". And about why ppl ware saying that you are going to 7th grade... well in certain countries 6th grade is still considered part of elementary school.  

  12. Grade 6, is nothing special.

    -Remember your locker combo.

    -Make friends.

    -Join sports, and clubs.

    -Be yourself.

    -Talk to everyone.

  13. ok seriously middle school isnt that hard. im in my first yeah of high school now and middle school was just normal.

    your not gonna die in middle school. im sure you have friends so stick with them.

  14. middle school isn't bad... just be who you are, there will be some that like you and some that don't... not everyone in life is going to like you, that's something to get use to, so don't get down if someone doesn't, it could be you, or it could be them, mostly likely jealousy.

    make sure you study hard and pay attention, education is very important....

    set your dreams high!!

    Good Luck, you will be just fine!! I know it!


  16. Ohh jeez, I felt the EXACT same way when I was starting middle school. The only advice you need is: don't say or do things you'll regret, but at the same time speak your mind, and you'll make tons of friends who highly respect you.

    It's also good to start the year out being a little shy while you get to know your peers and teachers. Once you feel comfortable with them, that's when you should start opening up a little more.

    And above all, stay calm. It sounds like weird advice, but you know, if I had only kept that in mind while I was in middle school, I'd have a lot less stressful days...

    Good luck, all the best.


    P.S.: Just to let you know, you're quite a good writer for a rising sixth grader! hehe...

  17. (7th grade used to be the beginning of "junior high", and still is in many parts of the U.S.  Most parts of the U.S., however, have "middle school", which is usually grades 6,7, and 8.)

    Middle school is going to be more confusing at first, because this will probably be your first experience with having to get yourself to different classes on time.  It will also be a little harder to keep yourself disciplined enough to keep your work up to date, since most teaches will be giving homework without thinking about what the other teachers are assigning, too.

    You're going from being the "top dogs" in elementary/lower school to being at the bottom of the barrel in middle school.  The 8th graders are looking forward to high school, the 7th graders are just glad they aren't 6th graders any more :-)  

    You'll do fine. Be friendly, try to not gossip about other people, join some clubs that you are interested in, keep up with your schoolwork.  

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