
School starts soon and i dont want to be shy anymore.?

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i am going into 8th grade and i am very shy around people i dont know. I just want more friends and i want to talk to more guys and girls!! thanks




  1. I know exactly how you feel. I still am that way sometimes. What I would recommend is that you participate in class, answer questions, ask questions from people who you sit by. I know it might sound difficult but try it out and see.

  2. This is how you cure shyness. You get a bunch of girls to group around you, then you pull down your pants. Then you won't feel as shy when you try to talk to somebody.

  3. talk to people through myspace. from there communicate and try not to hold back that much. i'm shy too. i just wanna let you know i'm a 9th grader and i know how crazy this generation is. don't pick the wrong friends. don't be too girl crazy! ur just a little kid.

    good luck! peahhce!

  4. What are you interested in?  Discover what your interests are and look into joining a club at your school doing something you like, whether it's cheerleading or a sport.  If you don't see something you like, why not start your own group?  By joining a group you can meet lots of people who share the same interests as you and make new friends.

  5. lol i had the same problem ok the best thing to do is to if u kno people that are popular always talk to them hang aroung there popular friends but please dont use them and always walk with sum1 never alonewear your close the best way u can i mean keep it clean u kno and most of all be yourself

  6. the only way is to just talk! You need to get over it

  7. be more confident, no one will eat u dun worry... ^^

  8. Not being yourself is not the best thing to do...

    You want to make friends that you can connect to through your own interests and things!

    Faking what you're interested in just brings more stress on you..

    I think that you should try and find different ways of making friends-- tell yourself that you don't have to be afraid of new people.

    Be yourself and stay cool, that's all you've got to do.

    Good luck! :)

  9. Hey, I have that problem too (the shyness)

    Once you get accustomed to your classes, try to talk with the person next to/around you before/after class. If you share classes with the same person then gradually try and get to know them.

    Another thing you can do is make friends with your friends' friends.

    That's just how I did it  

  10. I was like you when I was your age. All I can say is have faith in yourself. You know who you are, what your morals and values are. Be confident. If someone makes fun of you, stand up for yourself. Don't talk behind other peoples back, and be a true friend to others. Don't be two-faced. It's a really scarry world out there,  especially for young people........just long as you are a good person, for the most part people will like you.

  11. I just started 8th grade too. I'm shy but not as shy as I used to be. I was always trying to be someone I wasn't and that didn't work very well. I found out that if I, like,  just started being myself it worked best. Avoid the stuck-up, s****. people and approach the ones that seem be like you. They're usually the ones you want to hang with. Good luck! :)

  12. I'm super shy too and i'm going into 8th grade also. i don't know what to do. good luck =]

  13. widen your range of friends from classes and what not

    maybe you should have a party

  14. You just have to realize that being shy doesnt save you from anything. Just getting loose and talking to people is great and you make friends that way. Just get confident. Try talking to more adults also, then you can talk to anyone.

  15. be confident, and talk with people about things you know! And just think that you don't have nothing to loose! Good Luck

  16. the minuet you stop stressing and caring about that is when youll stop being shy

  17. personally i like shy girls but just try to be more outgoing.. talk to people more be more flirty with things you say but just be yourself and if your shy then like it.. like who you are because u are who you are for a reason.. you want the guy/ girl to like you for who you are.. you only live once so live life to the fullest.. be young think smart stay true and follow your heart.. everything happens for a reason.. good luck

  18. dont b scared

    just go up to a person....and just b like "hey whats ur name?"......or u can say "hey person i dont know!"


  19. talk to people and have confidence. find someone you have something in common with in your classes. [:

  20. First most important rule is to be yourself. If you keep acting like someone you're not, you won't get too far.

    An easy way to make friends is to ask questions you already know the answer to. Here's an example:

    Hi, can you help me find my locker?


    My name is Kay.

    It's one of the easiest ways to make friends.

  21. then dont, pretend to be somebody your not, its totally cool

  22. you should toatyle just go out there and talk to people but it mighht not work all the time like whne i was in grade two i wanted this guy to be my freind so i said can i be your freind he said sure but i don't think it worked cause now hes in his "popular clicke" and im not really his freind but thsi year i just started saying hi to this guy and after some time it was just like we were freinds and i didn't even know  so just don't come on to strong or els you might look wierd

  23. if u have a friend invite him\her over and practice on them

  24. you have to be truly confident in yourself. if you know that you are awesome inside, dont be afraid to show it. let the rest of the world know too!

  25. im exactly like u!!! im really shy and selfconcious and i sometimes feel like i dont fit in. im in the 8th grade to so were probably on the same page...well, i asked this question a few days before school started a couple months ago and people said the same thing but it really helped ; ''just be yourself and dont listen to other people. if people cant except u for who u r than their not worth getting to no u'' i no its hard to do this and follow peoples advice because its still hard for me to do this, but just listen to ur heart and believe in yourself and u should do just fine, and if u ever need to talk and stuff just message me and ill help u...i really hope i helped!!!!!

  26. I know how you feel! I am in eighth grade right now, and I really wanted to talk to this girl in my dance class. Practically everybody knows her around my community, so I really wanted to be her friend. So, the other day I walked up to her and told her my name. Since my name is very unusual, she seemed to really like it. She smiled and was my partner for partner dancing. Now, we are liek best friends!!

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