
School starts tomorow- Any QUICK vegetarian lunch ideas I can use daily?

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We don't have a vegetarian lunch program at our school so I need to find some really quick things I can do and bring to school. I have been a vegetarian for two years now. Usually I bring PB&J to school, but that gets old.

I eat cheese and dairy products. No meat (red or not) or fish.

Your help would be appreciated.




  1. I never get tired of the tofurky "lunch meat" and almost always carry a supply of mixed nuts to get me through the day. If you have a trader joe's nearby, both of those products are pretty cost-effective.

  2. fried tofu, bring some soy sauce, it owns.  

  3. Here's a really good vegetarian sandwich spread recipe:

    Good Luck!

  4. Make meatless spaghetti sauce with noodles or cheese toast  

  5. you could bring veggie dogs, salad, fruit, gilled cheese, bagel w/cream cheese, yogurt, eggsalad sandwhich, spaghetti with sauce, or veggie burgers are all really good. You could also just get some carrots with ranch or celery w/peanut butter. School starts tommorrow here too but it got cancelled cuz of the hurricane coming. I live in florida btw, yay!

    Hope that helped!!!!!!! :D

  6. Sandwiches like PB and J/etc or tofurkey or lightlife deli slices with tomato and hummus, pita sandwhiches with hummus and tabouli, chicapeas and tomato, basic salad, basic cold/raw soup or stew/gazpacho, pasta salad, quinoa or couscous and beans or lentils with chickapeas, cold soup/gazpacho, roll-ups/wraps in tortilla with fixins, vegan tuna or vegan egg or potato salad, vegetables with rice, gobi aloo, vegan somen salad or other pasta salad, dumplings, samosas, small vegan bagel or pita pizzas with cream cheese and veggies.

    Sides to go with lunch: dried fruits, nuts, vegetables, fruits, applesauce, hard and soft pretzels, homemade chips (potato, kale, tortilla, corn, banana, pita, etc), seeds (sunflower, pumpkin), vegan cookies, homemade bars (like the recipes I gave you in another answer), vegan muffins, vegan brownies, granola, crackers, breads, fries, plantin, trail mix, luna bar, chips or veggies and dip.

    Sandwhich ideas:

    Tofurky or Lightlife deli-slices with hummus, or mustard, or vegan mayo, or other spread, with veggies on sliced bread, sub bread, or pita bread. Or just hummus or vegan mayo or other spread with veggies and/or fruit. Also peanut or almond butter with fruits and/or veggies such as bananas, avocado, apples, strawberries, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, blueberries, etc. Hummus with shredded carrots and celery with a flour tortilla or pita bread. Falafel with carrots, sprouts and hummus is good. Potato salad or chickpea salad or vegan chicken salad or vegan tuna is good. Tempeh bacon, tvp crumbles, or seitan slices or chunks sand veggie sandwich's. Beans and a spread with sprouts and other veggies on a pita bread is good. Rice, avocado and peanut butter. Avocado and lettuce are almost essentials in most of my sandwiches!

    More idea sites:

  7. Sandwiches with Quorn 'meat' and salad.Yogurt,seeds,nuts,fresh fruit,raw vegetable sticks dipped in hummus.Vegetable wraps,potato chips and dried fruit.Maybe type 'Vegan Sandwiches' into google,it should come up with a site with about 50 different Lunch idea's.And of course you can just include butter/cheese wherever you wish.

  8. Meatless loaf sandwich (make a meatless meat loaf)

    Pasta Salad

    Veggie wrap

    Cheese and tomato sandwich

  9. don't forget black bean burritos

  10. morningstar burgers and stir frys...i like both.

  11. Humous and pittas

    Olives and roasted red peppers with crackers and cheese


  12. there are fake meats out there. try yves or tofurkey. i personally think yves is better but thats for you to find out

  13. hey i make   spaghetti  with morningstar ground tufo meat   its good  try it

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