
School supplies//study tips for high school

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I'm going to be a sophomore this year. I'll be taking Geometry, Biology, Honors Western Civilization, Honors English and Spanish 4. I don't want to spend all day everyday studying but I do want to make straight A's this year; so what would you suggest in guides of studying. Also, what sort of school supplies would you suggest for this school year?




  1. Well I think its best to get your study habits straight at the beginning of the year.  After each day of school, try going over your notes a few more times when you get home on top of your homework.  This way you will understand what you were going over and...hopefully...the homework will just be a bonus. And when you have a test or a quiz make sure that you look over ALL of your notes again.  Geometry, you can just do practice problems, biology is just straight memorization if I remember correctly, so flash cards may be useful. Same goes for history to. English just depends on what you;re covering at which times. (Don't rely on spark notes). And for spanish vocab and the such, make flash cards and write the words down several times...By writing the words down and reading them at the same time it gets embedded deeper into your brain.


    Pens, Pensils, Erasers, Lead, Notebooks, Paper, Dividers, Folders, Flash Cards, Calculator, Protractor, Compass, Ruler...uhm..Then your textbooks of course.

  2. Study tips: Pay attention in class

    Take notes(in color)

    Highlight important info

    Review 15-30 minutes each day

    Make flash cards of vocab, theorems and postulates using index cards

    Outline chapters in your text books

    Keep track or upcoming deadlines/tests

    Suggestions for school supplies:

    Pens(blue or black ink)

    #2 pencils

    Lined paper

    3 ring binders




    index cards


    Spanish-english dictionary

  3. Check out the book What Smart Students Know. I somehow knew to do much of what he said (although I wish I had known about the weekly review time--that would have helped me a lot, especially in university) and did very well in school.

    As for school supplies, didn't your high school give you a list? What do you think you'll need? Start with the basics (binder, dividers, loose leaf paper, pens, pencils...) and add onto them if you find you need other stuff after school starts.

  4. OK, your teachers should give you a list first day of what you need as far as school supplies.  As far as studying plan 1 hour of studying each night when school starts, maybe take your harder subjects the first night and then your lighter ones the next.  Alternate. When you have a test in the classes then study more.  It is all a matter of retention, but it sounds like you have alot of work.

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