
School systems leave kids behind that need extra help?

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No child left behind is a joke! My son was left out of learning in kindergarten and first grade because the teachers didn't want to do their job. I had a heck of a fight! My son was a preemie and 10 is still playing catch up. The school wanted to list him as mentally disabled! I tool the roof off the school. For last 3 years the system has cut every single program that he needs to learn with. Those are always the first cuts. I hate it. Now our system has no programs in place he can tap into for help in catching up. I think the no child left behind needs to be cut-they are spending money on a program that doesn't exist. What a waste! I think the system needs to cater to those who need the help the most. The rate of preemies being born is rising every year. Teachers are not instructed in how to teach these children-their answer is to medicate them and turn them into zombies! How do you all feel about this lack interest in helping those who need it?




  1. A lot of people don't really understand what 'no child left behind' is.

    All kids in all public schools take tests to see how well the SCHOOLS are doing, NOT the kids.

    The better score the kid makes, the MORE MONEY the school gets.

    So, in order for schools to get more money, they ONLY teach what is on these tests.  The tests are mostly on math and reading, so schools are starting to do away with social studies, science, LA, etc.


    Teachers can not teach what they want to anymore. THey can ONLY teach what is on the tests.

    Also, schools rig the test scores to make it look  like the kids do ok, so the school can GET MORE MONEY.

    So YES, it IS leaving children behind, even more than before this c**p started.

    Another thing that is going on in schools that has nothing to do with NCLB is corruption in special education departments in schools.

    Schools will go to the ends of the earth to NOT help special ed children. THey get funds for this, but they use the money for football fields, new uniforms, one superintendent even has a cadilac and a chaffuer!! REALLY !!

    Seems to me that schools WOULD want to help the special ed kids so they can make better scores on the NCLB tests so the school can GET MORE MONEY!!

    Hmm, wonder why they haven't figured that out yet!?  OH YEA,   it's because they either change the sped kids scores or leave out reporting their scores altogether. THis is an easy way out instead of helping the kids get better scores.

    THere have been lots of news articles about how schools are cheating on the NCLB tests so they can GET MORE MONEY and nothing is being done about it!

    People don't really know how corrupt schools are until they have to get help for their own children. Then they learn mighty quick.

  2. It is a terrible shame that this goes on, the ones that need the most help get the least. Doesn't it seem strange that schools will offer something like driver's education but don't have money for a child that needs a little help. It makes no sense to me.

    A few years back I volunteered at a local school in the grade 2 class. The teacher was wonderful and dedicated but she had 30 students in her class. She had an aide in for 1/2 a day and I went in 3 full days and we still had our hands full.

    I used to take small groups to the library for extra help but even that didn't happen often because the classroom was just too hectic for just the teacher. There were student with behaviour problems that, in my opinion, should not have been in regular class and they took up so much time. It really wasn't fair to the other kids or the teacher.

    I know there are some people who are lousy teachers but for the most part I think the system is at fault.

    The only thing I can suggest is that you talk to you son's teacher this year and make sure she is clear that your son needs help. If you show a willingness to participate in your child progress (and it doesn't sound like you have much choice) you maybe pleasantly surprised at the teachers response. She may have access to materials you and your son could work on at home, or ideas on how to help your son. It's worth a try. Good Luck

  3. Rather than spending so much time fighting a system that is not providing the services your child needs, why not spend a little time researching alternatives, enjoy being with your son, and teach him yourself.

    We home school, and it is so much more than academics it is about us; family.

    If for nothing else, click on the purple rectangle to watch an inspirational little video, it's free.

    Blessings, and good luck.

  4. I went through the same thing until I changed school systems. Are you in an inner city school? If so, that is your main problem. My child was in an inner city school in kindergarten & learned NOTHING except how to color well. We moved to a small nearby city with a GREAT school system. He's just now starting to be on grade level & is in 3rg grade. Also, tutoring really, really helps!! It's not cheap but it was worth every dime.  Where I live, there are school systems in surrounding communities that will let "out of district" parents pay to send their kids to their schools. I would check on that as well. Inner city schools are simply to overcrowded. Not to mention the fact that most of them have to spend a lot of time with immigrant kids who don't even speak the language. Good luck!!

  5. Start teaching your child yourself.  I was having similar problems and just said forget it . . . I'll do it myself.

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