
School tips :S? help :S?

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hi :D

i need some tips for homework, concentrating in class, memorizing everything, tests... umm.. almost everything about school

please help me :)

(first answer that says something about school gets 10 pts. XD)




  1. Homework:

    -set up a study area, away from TV, radio, etc.

    -ask your parents to supervise you when you do homework, so you have the added pressure of not getting up for anything. Asking them for help shows you're ready to be responsible, too!

    -do EVERY question that you can, and don't get online or ask for help until you have completed every question from every subject. Sometimes just giving it time or doing other problems will make the early ones easier


    -Don't sit by your friends. Tell them that you're doing it to get better grades, because you might get in trouble with your parents if you don't and then you wouldn't be able to hang out with them!

    -Sit in the front of the class. Statistics show you will do better just by being up front and paying attention

    -Don't do anything but take notes

    -If you can't concentrate, write down the last word of every sentence your teacher says, just to keep you focused. The words won't help, but it will make sure you listen


    -Make songs! That's how you learned the alphabet, right? Sing them out loud by yourself, then you can sing them in your head in class. You remember so much more

    -Make up sentences that help you learn lists by using the first letter. For instance, remember troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, by remembering "Tasty, Saucy Mess."


    -multiple choice, X out all the wrong answers first

    -STUDY. Sounds simple, but its easy to think you don't need to in middle/high school.

    -answer every question you can first, because sometimes later questions will help you answer earlier ones

    -ask your teacher if they can help you with testing strategies. This too will show initiative!

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