
School trip sadness?

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We take a school trip and I am afraid of leaving my parents. What do I do?




  1. You'll have to leave them some day, so a short school trip is a good start.  If you start to miss them then go hang out with friends, and get your mind of 'em.  

  2. Don't worry. I went to a week camp for a grade 8 graduation last year, and I thought I'd miss my parents, but I didn't. You get so involved it the trip you completely forget until you get home. You could always take a picture or your parents cellphone to keep in touch.


  3. Well, you won't be gone forever. If you have a phone, call them. That way you won't feel homesick.

  4. Don't worry about leaving your parents. I'm sure the days at the school trip thing will be extremely fun, and fly by pretty fast. Besides, you have friends going with you right?

  5. don't think of them just focus on different stuff any interest? do that ur friends are there and they keep u company they helped me stick with ur friends

  6. Just concentrate of having fun with your friends.

  7. Don't listen to those that say don't go. You will regret it when you hear how much fun the others had. Let your teacher know you are a bit scared. It's ok. See if they can pair you up with a good friend, maybe one that you've had sleep overs with. Once you get through the scary aspect of it and realize that its still all people you know, you will have a great adventure!!


  8. if you are afraid of leaving your parents...then you need to get over your fear, because by the time you hit 18, i highly doubt your parents will want you to live with the for the rest of their lives...

  9. why would you be scared of leaving your parents?

  10. take a picture

  11. You just have to think if going is worth it if you are going to be homesick the whole time

  12. Pray

  13. You have to go. If you don't, you will regret it, and miss out on a great experience. You have to learn to let go, you'll be fine without them.

  14. is it like a long school trip?

    well either way just relax and have fun with your friends. enjoy the time without your parents and ull be able to enjoy the time with them more.

    also cell phones are always good

  15. Go anyway and focus on the trip, not your parents

  16. dont go

  17. Take the trip you will learn a lot and call your parents as much as you can, It's okay, you'll survive. Good Luck!
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