
School uniform. Help? *PIC*?

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I'm going to a catholic school next year and just wanted suggestions on what type of shoes should I wear with a school uniform.

here's a pic of what the uniform looks like


Also, I live in canada so our winter's get pretty what kind of shoes can I wear then?




  1. well you dont have much option since private school doesnt allow "sneakers or more than a 4inch heel"

    Soo lame , im glad  that next year for gr.10 im leaving my private school .

    just wear nice black flats like ballarina flats or w/e .

    in my school they would make somepeople lleave class go to the office call your parents to come and give you different shoes , or send you home , or sometimes they would let you go with a warning .

    Sucks for you , your gonna hate it .

  2. get black uggs! for the winter... and black clogs for year round.

  3. is that st. James?!?!

    If it is, everyone wears black flats.

    Theyre your best bet.

    And also we have to wear plain black nylons (I get kicked out for tights all the time usually.) no knee socks sadly.

    and you know how your socks have to be plain black burgandy or grey with pants right? I doubt that'll last long anyways.

    But yeah, flats are def your best bet.  


    okay just the kilt is almost identical and at st James were not allowed socks anymore.

  4. Low cut boots all the way. Not now but for fall and I would wear gladiators right now, they are really in and funky. They would really add personality to a uniform.

  5. if i were you, i'd wear some high-top converse, but that's just me :D

    uh, most people wear simple black or white sneakers, and some kids even wear heels, though idk why they would want to do that....

    just go crazy, but appropriate, with your style! be creative :D

    and for winter, pair up some boots with black leggings.  

  6. well you should get slip on shoes. not the kind that look so bad.

    because i know some look so blah. try going to any shoe place and look for cute slip would work or maybeee even brown =]

  7. It's okay!

  8. i have the same situation, im just gonna wear regular running shoes and the pants 4 my uniform in the winter.

    ps. ur pic doesnt work lol

  9. can't see the uniform

  10. cute brown or black flats or a nice tenna shoe

  11. I'm myself used to go to Catholic school (ch) and you wear just as how you would wear normal outfit, but the problem that the teachers and school guidelines won't allow any fancy things doing with your uniform. (no colour shirt under white shirt, no high heels,  no shorting up skirts and no flip flops). Like when is winter wear panty ho and boots with a skirt will be perfectly look. Also I don't know about your school, but my school never allowed us wearing colourful sock or even high socks that were not matching (ch is pretty crazy with guidelines).

  12. link no worky


  13. fix the url  

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