
Schoolgirl fetishes...?

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Does anyone else think that women dressing as schoolgirls is kind of blurring the line between innocent adult fun and viewing children as s*x objects? I know the woman dressing up isn't a child but at the end of the day, she is still dressed up as one and in many cases is behaving in a 'child-like manner' whilst the man in the scenario is often playing some kind of dominant, adult role. Does no one else think this is slightly unnerving?

As I was raised a Catholic and spent many years travelling to and from school in my "s**y" uniform, I can also tell you that grown men don't just stare at their wives/girlfriends when they're dressed in school uniform - I was being leered at from the age of 11.

Does anyone else thing this kind of sexual roleplay is sailing a bit to close to perversion?

Your thoughts please.




  1. I find the first answer very disturbing!.....

    Think of the reverse situation - Women lusting over men in school boy uniforms.... Sounds kind of creepy doesn't it?

  2. It's a bit creepy, but if the people are both adults then I don't see the harm. You also get mens who want to dress up as giant man babies and wear diapers, so i guess it works both ways...

  3. The point of role-playing is to live out things you could never do in real life. so yeah I guess the whole schoolgirl thing could be pretty close to pedophilia.  

  4. Seems to me to be a preferable option to having s*x with little girls

  5. I don't really know. Our society is attracted to youth. Just look at how young hollywood is getting. Girls like Miley Cyrus (sp?) are 15 years olds dressed as adults...posing in magazines with their shoulders bare. Obviously, this is a message to adults that youth is s**y...and a hint of innocence is s**y. Exploring untouched terrain is also pretty exciting. Giving a woman or a man his/her first experience with s*x...seeing their faces when they feel something new for the first time, is probably a turn on to many. So, why wouldn't the school girl image be attractive?

    At the same time...these are children. I think since the media and our culture sexualizes young people, it becomes difficult to remember that they are just children. They are still growing, still immature. And, it would be wrong to take advantage of them. So, it's taboo...and people always want to explore the taboo. Why not make it a safe fantasy? It's better than chasing after actual children.

    EDIT: What is your point, then? There is no way we are going to change peoples minds about's always going to be attractive.

  6. I think your way off, this is because as young boys exposed to hot sexed up catholic girls, we equate the uniform with easy s*x and it has nothing at all to do with age. Instead it triggers our don't have to work so hard for it instinct.  

  7. What's next, a woman dressing up as a s*x kitten (with little cat ears) is going to complain that her man is a closet beastie?

    Jeez Louise, it's a sexual fantasy manifesting in s*x play with two consenting adults.

    It isn't the the woman is a child; it's that the outfit is s**y - and tartan skirts with white blouses is very very s**y.   Besides, if you think that men are leering at eleven year old girls, perhaps it is the uniforms that are too sexual for schoolgirls to wear.

    I mean, you might have a point if the guy asked her to talk with Cindy Brady's lisp, but just because you don't fully accept the fantasy doesn't give you a right to condescendingly judge it.

    But that's just what women do, I guess.

  8. The uniforms intended for adult women are typically skimpier and much sexier than the uniforms that girls wear to school. Both my daughters had to wear school uniforms in the past and those outfits weren't the least bit s**y. The only men who would be attracted to that are pedophiles and don't really care about the uniforms.

  9. What one feels is a perversion, another feels is natural.  

  10. Actual school uniform

    ..See its decent, modest and not least bit s**y.

    and a s**y " school" uniform

    ..these 2 are wearing more revealing outfits.

    Yes I understand clearly what you are saying.

    Those men that leered at you at 11 were basically pedophiles. A man who is not one..may just glance at you and nothing more. He may not notice you at all...or he may just think you are cute. and that is it.

    men who want thier girlfriends or wives to play dress up are role playing. and while it is a sexual is also a costume fetish and a fantasy. and nothing about it is innocent. im sure the last thing a guy thinks when his gf is dressed in a s**y school outift is " aww she looks so cute and innocent...I wanna f*ck her brains out!" they probably just think.." d**n she is hot...I wanna f*ck her brains out!"

    But in no way do they actually wanna have s*x with actual children.

    in all honesty..the s**y schoolgirl out fit roleplay doesnt freak me out...

    i get more concerned when a guy wants to play daddy daughter role play...

  11. I agree. But I think the point of the fantasy for a lot of men is to take you back to your school days and make you feel young again. It's as if you are also that age - s*x is not allowed and mysterious and new and fun. For those who take on the dominant "adult" role, that is kind of weird and yes, somewhat blurring the line.

    But I would prefer people with those urges act on fantasies with their wife or girlfriend and not like the perverts and pedophiles who instead go to a local park and rape a child.  

  12. i always thought it was extremely perverted. i'll get a lot of thumbs down, but come on, if u have fantasies of little girls, you're sick.

  13. EDIT: I'm not sure the whole 'if they do it with a consenting partner they won't do it on the streets' is valid; does having access to legal s3x stop people committing s3x crimes, especially given that such crimes are about personal power and control issues? And yes, young children are ongoingly sexualised, and have been throughout history, but does this have to do with what they wear or does it simply become somehow associated in the mind of the leerer?


    I've wondered about this before, too.

    BUT, I don't know if the fetish is actually about having s3x with schoolgirls, or about recapturing the feelings of naughtiness and excitement that those involved might have had as school kids themselves.

    The same thing applies to 'brazilian' waxing (removal of all down below hair). I think it's very borderline, but so many say they don't do it for that reason, it's hard to know, really.

    Personally, the whole fancy dress idea is not something I'm interested in, but as long as the particpants ARE legal adults, there's nothing that can reasonably be said against it.

    And after all, who are we to judge what other consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms?

    But, maybe in a world where kids had more power and respect, it wouldn't be so popular?

    Cheers :-)

  14. Well, when I dress up in "school uniform" for my boyfriend...there is NOTHING child-like about me. It's a s**y outfit and the "school girl" look is nothing like an actual school uniform. I don't find it perverted; it's just a s**y kinky game between two consenting adults. I feel naughty when I play dressing up, it does as much, if not more, for me than it does for him...and I'm the one in the "school uniform".

    Again, I repeat, this is between two consenting adults. So, really, I'd say it's no-one's business what other people like to do in the bedroom.  

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