Hi everyone, I have recently gone back to school and have been tetering back and forth between nursing and teaching, I love both and have pros & cons for both as well-I am just torn for different reasons. I have 3 young kids ages 9,9 & 5 and am thinking about what it is going to take in a few years when I am either in nursing school (is it 9-5 every day? for how many years?) or when I am doing my teaching education program (isn't that usually 1-2 yrs as well?, is that full time 9-5 daily too?)
Just trying to figure out if there is longer or harder schooling for either, or are they about the same?
I know I need to follow my heart and I am just not sure where it is leading me *yet*... in the meantime I am trying to gather as much information as I can. Thanks for your help.