
Schooling ideas please ANSWER!!?

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so am home schooled and well i need some more ideas for home school classes and elective classess




  1. I'm just going to assume you're in high school, okay?

    I voluneteered at a shelter, took cooking classes at Jo-Ann Fabrics, got a bunch of cake decorating books and self-taught myself.  I also helped out at a preschool, partcipated in soccer with a local group, and helped out in my church's childrens program.

    If you think hard enough, you'll see that there's a LOT of different options out there.

  2. How old are you? Where do you live (general, please don't share too personal of info online)? What classes have you already taken?

    People cannot give an appropriate answer if we don't know those things.

  3. Elective ideas:

    *sewing, cooking, nutrition, or other forms of "Home Economics"

    *woodworking, electrical work, home repairs, or other forms of "shop" or "Industrial Arts"

    *keyboarding, business communications

    *various sports (swimming, basketball, personal fitness, weight training, etc.)

    *computer programming

    *family life or practical living (learning about various aspects of having a family:  child care, finding a spouse, budgeting, practical problem solving, income taxes, personal finances, etc.)

    *business math, or accounting

    *some particular branch of a required subject (such as marine biology rather than just science, or Science Fiction Literature rather than English, or the Elizabethan Period rather than history)

    *a hobby studied in detail (For example:  learn to knit while studying the history of knitting, how to read patterns, different stitch designs, make a sampler of stitches and then knit some items and perhaps participate in a volunteer project involving knitting, and call it something pretentious like "Fiber Arts")

    *a foreign language (something modern and highly useful such as Spanish, something off the beaten path like Chinese or Arabic, or something ancient like Hebrew or Greek or Latin)

    *child development

    *something worthwhile right now (such as spend a lot of time involved in a charity, helping some worthy cause, if you want, do research on the cause, the history of the charitable organization, organize an event for the group, etc.)

    *something worthwhile for your future (come up with a career or such that might be of interest to you and figure out a way to spend time learning about it; research it, find someone in the field who will allow you to volunteer as an intern or "go-fer" for them in order to learn more about the field and whether you really want to pursue it, and perhaps even make contacts that might someday help you get a job)

    *drama (especially good if you can find a theater group to work with)

    *music, band, choir

    *art (general or more specific such as sketching, water colors, art history, or ceramics)

  4. First your grade would help.

    Then you should tell us what classes you already have picked, then we can suggest "more".

  5. First of all, make sure you are completing all the required courses for a diploma and for college admissions requirements.  Once those are taken care of, go online and see what your local schools offer and online schools like are offering to get more ideas.

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