
Schooling in the 21st century, why is it so inconvenient? ( I'm venting but also want your feedback )

by  |  earlier

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Here are some things that make me angry...

1. It doesn't fit my schedule - I work, and I work long hours as with most parents. from 5:00 AM to 7:30 PM and my son is a Junior in high school. When he gets home he needs help with his homework ( Don't flame yet ) and I can't help him until 9:00 PM... I have to make dinner, clean up from dinner, take a shower, cleanup the house and other things.

2. Homework - why do they give so much? I mean parents need to help their children because the stuff they give them in school is horrid... I mean they give them homework then they come home and are confused because what they teach in class is worthless - basically you have to learn it all yourself at home. That's all it is, they give it to you then expect you to learn something they were negligent in teaching earlier that day.

3. They don't give good instructions - " Go home read chapter 8-9 then answer questions 5-11 21-98 and 102-168. "

4. You're going to love this, a lot. I'm the Senior Director of global development for a major food corporation I handle the entire development of building for my company all around the world. I travel quite a bit and I get 2 weeks off for the whole year. Thought I travel so mcuh I don't have time to take off. The last time I took a non sick day was 3 years ago and only took 2 days off. Teachers however are complaining about year round school. They get 1 month off 1 day atleast a month and christmas break, thanksgiving, spring, fall and other breaks. I get 3 days at christmas I work on thanksgiving and many other holidays they get off. I don't want to hear teachers mouths saying I can't take year round school. They're not under nearly as much stress as I. They make a mistake 1 or two kids fail. I make a mistake and my company looses 400 million dollars don't even get me started.

5. The lunch they give them - It's all pre packaged frozen meals and they give them soda's and all the junkfood, icecream and candy they want.

6. The school I'm talking about is cutting 4 classes due to budget issues ( and I'm talking this is a NICE school brand new and marble floors in the main lobby ) they are cutting classes but putting in a new 1.7 million dollar TURF field. Go figure that one out. I mean this has to stop.

So tell me, what are your buffs with the school system. My son goes to a PUBLIC school and also tell me if you agree with this. Thanks a lot, I'm mad and I'm sick of paying taxes and getting nothing but h**l in return.




  1. Perhaps someone with your intellectual prowess would be inclined to establish your own private school featuring a curriculum derived from your own obtuse insights?

    Companies nowadays only hire people who graduated from college or university.

    Try working for a company like yours as a Temp, but yet you cannot get hired because you cannot afford a $10 000 piece of paper indicating that you have learned everything you know from a textbook; in lieu of common sense.

  2. very true but sad thing is thats life and life goes on

  3. your third point is pretty easy to understand.  just do what they ask.  they are doing a favor by not asking you to do all of them in between.

  4. Yet life goes on... strange.

  5. Your day is alot like my dads, we have basically the same set up. As a student I'm about as angry with the schools as I can be. One thing that really makes no sense is that the grades are based on homework and the homework is based on completion not weather it is correct or not, resulting in everyone passing not depending on weather they know the material. Our school seem to be based on blatant work not quality. Our educational system makes no sense I agree, but you're a good parent it seems so at least you have that for yourself and your son.

  6. Just put your kids in private school, they might be molested by the priest but at least they'll have fresh meals!!

  7. my son is in a small private school for all of the above reasons, why don't you cut back on something so that you could put him in a private school?

  8. sorry man

  9. great question ( and vent )

    it doesn't make sense as teachers whine about how much they make but they do get tons of vacation and get payed a huge amount of money.

    The public school system is terrible and the teachers also try to brainwash students with totally biased information.

    I can probably predict that you live in California or Oregon since their schools are the worst.

  10. the government wants to keep a budget and the teachers don't care if the students learn or not they still get payed.

  11. I would suggest making time to go into a PTO meeting or somesuch at the school and bringing up these issues. With your work schedule though, you also have the option of writing or emailing a letter to the principal. Nothing will change unless it is brought up.

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