
Schools coming up!!! :(

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I have been use to sleeping at 12:45 am - 10:00 p.m.

I entered the 9th grade and I wake up at 5:00 am. How do I get use to sleeping at 9:00 p.m. now??? School starts on August 18. Please help!!!




  1. I would try waking up really early and see if you get tired faster or just excersize a lot and do things that will make you tired as well. if this dosen't work then i would just try my best to get to bed on time

    hope this helped

  2. use sleeping pills for the first couple days, and then don't use them. You will fall asleep

    It's what I do, and it works

  3. you gotta practice getting up early during the summer and then you will be more tired at night which will cause you to fall asleep earlier

  4. Train yourself now!! Start going to bed earlier now, try hot chocolate/warm milky drinks to help you sleep if you need it and it'll be easier than getting thrown into the new regime straight away. I struggle with getting up in the mornings so I set several alarms - one on my radio, one on my phone, etc. Put your phone and Hi-Fi remote out of reach so if you want to turn the alarm off, you have to stand up!! That gets you going!!

  5. Start going to bed around half an hour earlier each night. Do some stuff that makes you sleepy before you go to bed - exercise, read a book, have a glass of warm milk, watch the history channel..

    Eventually you'll get back to normal. (:

    I'd know, I'm doing the same thing.  

  6. set an alarm and when it goes off then you go to your room , if its light , beforehand make your room as dark as possible then go to sleep, if this doesn't work do the above and also drink herbal tea , there are some you can get to go to sleep

  7. Same prob.!! i will start next monday & i sleep late and wake up late... that's my every year struggle!  i just go to bed @ 12 the day before school and i stay till 2 until falling asleep and ask sme1 to wake me up early or i would wake up the day before sooo early and then i could sleep early!

  8. Just start making a good habit to go to sleep early!

  9. well practice sleeping earlier by just resting to dreaming to sleeping. the best way for me is by tieing the curtain up so the sun can shine in my face which i really hate. but use a alarm clock

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